View a customer's order history

View your customer's orders for Google Workspace and Google Cloud. The order history includes purchases, licenses, and other information to help you audit actions and track changes.

For Google Cloud billing, costs, transactions, and invoices, go to your Google Cloud console.

View a customer's Google Workspace order history

Available if you resell Google Workspace.

This task requires the Reseller Admin role or a custom admin role with the Customers permission.

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer's name.
  3. Click Order History. You can review the events in reverse in chronological order, starting with the most recent event.
  4. (Optional) To update the order history information, click Refresh .

This example shows a Cloud Identity Premium trial that converted to a paid subscription. The order history includes the trial start date and when the customer accepted the Terms of Service. At the end of the trial, the subscription is automatically suspended.

To start a paid subscription, the reseller changed the subscription status to Active in the Partner Sales Console. The order history shows the 3 events for a paid subscription: activate service, set price plan, and start subscription.

Google Workspace order history information

Information Description
Timestamp Time of the action in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time ).

Who took the action:

  • Reseller username—User in your reseller organization.
  • Customer—User in the customer's account. For example, the customer accepted the Terms of Service or assigned licenses.
  • Automated job—Actions by Google systems, such as starting a customer's subscription.
  • Google representative—Google sales or support. For example, a Google representative extended a customer's Google Workspace free trial.
Action An event or a change to an order. For details, go to Google Workspace actions.

Name of the product and subscription plan (for example, Trial Plan or Annual Plan, Monthly Payments).


For Annual Plans: The number of purchased licenses. When a customer adds more licenses, the quantity shows the new total licenses and added licenses. For example, "50, Added 12".

For Flexible and Trial Plans: The license cap. If you change the license cap, the quantity shows the new license cap and number of added or removed licenses. For example, "200, Removed 50".

Order ID

Orders are automatically assigned a unique ID number. The last 2 digits of the order ID are incremented when you change the number of licenses or pricing plan. Note: The increment may vary.

When you upgrade or downgrade a subscription, the new subscription gets a new order ID. In the Action column, check for "SKU changed" to find the order ID.

The Order ID also includes the PO# for the order.

Order ID screen

Google Workspace action descriptions

Action Description
  • Accepted Terms of Service—Customer accepted the subscription's Terms of Service.
  • Reseller revoked suspension—Reseller reactivated subscription.
  • Renewal settings changed—Reseller changed renewal settings, for example switching to an Annual Plan, Yearly Payments.
  • Other reason—Order placed after the subscription's free trial period expired.
  • Activation reason unspecified—Contact Google Support for more information.
  • Cancellation requested at renewal time—Subscription cancelled at end of term. Applies to Annual Plans.
  • Relationship ended—Customer transferred to Google or another reseller.
  • Service terminated—Contact Google Support for more information.
  • Cancellation reason unspecified—Contact Google Support for more information.
  • Cancellation of an add-on service such as Drive Storage or Vault.
Commitment change Licenses added to an Annual Plan.
Commitment renewed Subscription renewed based on its renewal settings.
Created Order placed for a service that doesn't have a trial period (for example, Google Drive).
License cap changed Increased or lowered license cap. Applies to Flexible Plans.
Price plan changed Payment plan changed. For example, you switch a subscription from a Flexible Plan to an Annual Plan, or from a free trial to a paid subscription.
Renewal setting changed

Changed the action to take on the subscription's renewal date. For example, switch to a Flexible Plan or cancel the subscription. Learn more about renewal settings

SKU changed Product changed. For example, upgraded from Cloud Identity to Cloud Identity Premium, or transitioned from G Suite to Google Workspace.
Subscription started Subscription added to the customer's account.
Subscription cancelled Cancellation of an add-on service, such as Drive Storage, Vault, or Archived User.
  • Trial ended—Subscription automatically suspended at end of trial period.
  • Reseller initiated—Subscription suspended by reseller.
  • Terms of Service acceptance pending—Customer hasn't accepted the Terms of Service.
  • Reason unspecified—Contact Google Support for more information.
  • Other reason—Subscription suspended by Google. Contact Google Support for details.
Trial extended Trial period extended by Google representative.
Trial started Start of trial period (automated action).

View a customer's Google Cloud order history

Available only if you resell Google Cloud

To view the order history for a customer's subscription (billing subaccount), you need the Google Cloud Reseller Viewer or
Google Cloud Reseller Administrator role, and permissions on the billing subaccount. Learn more

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer's name.
  3. Click Order History.
  4. (Optional) To update the order history information, click Refresh .

Google Cloud order history

Information Description
Timestamp Time of action in GMT.

Reseller—Order placed by a user in your reseller organization.

The User field might be blank in some cases. For example, the subscription was an unassigned billing subaccount that you assigned to the customer.


Changes to the status of a billing subaccount:

  • Activated - Reseller revoked suspension—Reseller reactivated the billing subaccount.
  • Created—Order placed (creates billing subaccount).
  • Cancelled—Billing subaccount status set to Cancelled.
  • Suspended - Reseller Initiated—Reseller set the billing subaccount status to Suspended.

Google Cloud (includes billing subaccounts used for Google Maps). The billing type is listed as Flexible Plan. The usage charges are paid for by the reseller parent Cloud Billing account.

Subaccount ID

The subscription's subaccount ID number.

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