How Floodlight activities are shared between Campaign Manager 360 and the new Search Ads 360


The new Search Ads 360 reports and bids on Floodlight conversion actions, which are conversions powered by Floodlight activities. These Floodlight activities are shared between the new Search Ads 360 and Campaign Manager 360.

With shared Floodlight activities, you use the same set of Floodlight tags to track conversions for both display and search ads. This helps to prevent double counting conversions that span across different ad formats.

How does sharing work?

The sub-manager and advertiser relationship

Every Search Ads 360 sub-manager account is associated with a unique Campaign Manager 360 advertiser. The sub-manager and advertiser accounts share the same set of Floodlight settings, activities, and tags used to report conversions. 

Synced Floodlight activities

Floodlight conversion actions you create in the new Search Ads 360 also create Floodlight activities in Campaign Manager 360, and vice versa. It may take a few hours before shared Campaign Manager 360 Floodlight activities appear as conversion actions in your new Search Ads 360 sub-manager account. 

Workflow differences

Workflow Campaign Manager 360 The new Search Ads 360

Create Floodlight activities or conversion actions

Learn more about creating Floodlight activities.

When you create a Floodlight conversion action, the new Search Ads 360 configures some settings by default, such as the conversion type or counting method. These settings can be edited in Campaign Manager 360. Learn more about creating Floodlight conversion actions.

Report on Floodlight conversions

Report on conversions attributed to display and video ads. 

If you are a Search Ads 360 user, you can also enable reporting on paid search activity in Campaign Manager 360. Learn more about reporting on paid search data.
Report on conversions that are attributed to paid search activity.
Set conversion windows Set a period of time for the Floodlight activity to record conversions. Learn more about conversion windows. Conversion windows are applicable in the new Search Ads 360, but can only be edited in Campaign Manager 360.
Use Floodlight instructions Not applicable to Campaign Manager 360 reports. Manage how a conversion action is reported in the new Search Ads 360 without changing the actual conversion action. Learn more about Floodlight instructions.
Set data use across Google services 

Choose which Google services can receive consented data from end users in the European Economic Area (EEA) for advertising purposes. 

You can change this setting in your Floodlight configuration. Learn more about configuring Floodlight for advertisers.

The setting for data use across Google services can only be edited in Campaign Manager 360.

The Floodlight configuration settings in Campaign Manager 360 apply to associated Floodlight conversion actions in the new Search Ads 360.

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