
Permissions in Planning

Campaign Manager 360 user permissions enable the following capabilities in Planning:

  • Access to Planning itself
  • Access to projects
  • Ability to create and edit reusable terms and conditions
  • Ability to approve orders
    • Ability to create signatures and apply them to order documents

Start here if you need to learn about Campaign Manager 360 user permissions. This article contains more detailed information about Campaign Manager 360 user role permissions.

Permissions required to use Planning

Any user of Campaign Manager 360 can access Planning as long as they have the following permissions in Campaign Manager 360:

  • Placement costs: Full access
  • Placements: Full access

Enabling access to projects

By default, Planning users have access to all projects in their account. You can change this access in their user profile in Trafficking > Admin, as follows:

  1. Click Admin in the top menu, and click User profiles.
  2. Select the profile of the user whose access you want to change.
  3. Click the Filters tab.
  4. Click Planning project. Click Choose… to selectively adjust the user’s access to projects, or click Allow none to deny the user access to all projects.

Enabling ability to create and store terms and conditions

With the proper permission in Admin, you can create a library of stored terms and conditions that are available to all projects in your account. Follow these steps to get or grant the permission to another user:

  1. Click Admin in the top menu, and click User roles.
  2. Select the user role you want to authorize.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the permissions list to the Planning heading and select “Terms and conditions: full access”.
  4. Repeat for all user roles that should be allowed to create and edit terms and conditions.
  5. At the top of the page, click Save. User profiles associated with this user role will now be able to create and edit T&Cs that can be reused across all your orders. All other users will be able to read and select the saved T&Cs, but will not be able to edit them or create new ones.

The "Terms and conditions: full access" permission is enabled for all default user role templates except for those specifically related to sites. (This also applies to the "Order: can approve" permission, described below.)

The included user role templates are:

  • Campaign Manager 360 Admin
  • Agency Admin
  • Advertiser/Reporting Login
  • Agency Trafficker/Planner
  • Agency Trafficker
  • Agency Media Planner
  • Campaign Manager 360 CSA
  • Campaign Manager 360 Account Manager
  • Advanced Agency Media Planner
  • Advanced Agency Admin
  • Advanced Agency Trafficker
  • Advanced Agency Trafficker/Planner

The excluded user role templates are:

  • Site Trafficker
  • Site Trafficker (w/ approve access)

Learn more about creating orders

Enabling ability to approve orders

When you create an order, you may need other users on your team to approve the order before it’s sent to the publisher. Follow these steps to authorize one or more order approvers:

  1. Click Admin in the top menu, and click User roles.
  2. Select the user role you want to authorize.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the permissions list to the Planning heading and select “Orders: can approve”.
  4. Repeat for all users you want to add to the list of users who can approve orders.
  5. At the top of the page, click Save. User profiles associated with this user role will now be able to approve all orders in the project.

Like the "Terms and conditions: full access" permission, the "Order: can approve" permission applies to all default user role templates except for those specifically related to sites, as listed above.

Learn more about creating orders

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