
Perform Billing Actualization

Campaign Manager 360 Planning generates billing actualization (BA) templates that reduce the amount of manual entry required to measure ad delivery against contracted amounts. To generate a template:

  1. Click the Order icon in the navigation bar.
  2. Click the name of an order on the Order summary page. (Do not click the name of a line item under an order.)
  3. In the order pane that appears, scroll down to Order documents. Click the download button next to the order for which you want to create a BA report.
  4. Click Billing actualization template… Select a date range from the dialog that pops up and click Download.
  5. A .csv file containing all parent (top-level) placements in the order document will download. The default name will take this form:

    Billing Actualization document for - <order-document-name> - (<yyyymmdd--yyyymmdd>).csv

    For example:

    Billing Actualization document for -Insertion order- (20140901-20140930).csv

  6. After downloading, you can import the .csv file into a spreadsheet for editing, filling in your payables in the last three columns.

Template fields

Each flight will have its own line in the file showing the planned values and actual values, as follows:

Field Name Value

Placement name

Campaign Manager 360 Planning placement name

Placement ID

Campaign Manager 360 Planning placement ID

Campaign Manager 360 placement ID

Campaign Manager 360 placement ID

Start date

Start date of the actual serving data

End date

End date of the actual serving data

Cost structure

One of the following:


vCPM - Active View





Planned units

Sum of units in all flights in Campaign Manager 360 Planning

Planned rate

Rate of the flight in Campaign Manager 360 Planning (for non-flat-rate type)1

Planned cost

Cost of the flight in Campaign Manager 360 Planning (for flat-rate type). Credits will appear as negative values. For example: -5000

Actual units

Sum of actual deliveries of all flights. If the placement is a package or a roadblock, it’s the sum of actual deliveries of all flights of all in-group placements. (Note that in-group placements inherit the parent flight’s setting.)

Actual rate

Same value as planned rate; displayed for reference

Actual cost

Sum of actual costs of all flights.3 If the placement is a package or a roadblock, it’s the sum of the actual cost of all flights of all in-group placements.

Payable units

Left empty so you can manually input actualized units

Payable rate

Left empty so you can manually input actualized rate

Payable cost

Left empty so you can manually input actualized cost

1 For flat rate types, this is calculated as follows:


planned cost / planned unit * 1000


planned cost / planned unit

2 For non-flat rate types, this is calculated as follows:

CPC/CPA: planned units * planned rate

CPM/vCPM - Active View: planned units * planned rate / 1000

3 Based on the cost structure, this could be:

CPM: actual units * actual rate / 1000

vCPM - Active View: actual viewable units * actual rate / 1000

CPC: actual units * actual rate

CPA: actual units * actual rate


FLAT_RATE_CLICKS: planned cost

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