
Reconcile differences with Campaign Manager 360

If you’ve already created placements in Campaign Manager 360, or made edits in Campaign Manager 360 but not in Planning, you can reconcile differences between the inventory in the Planning plan and the Campaign Manager 360 campaign. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Execution view of the project for which you want to reconcile inventory.
  2. Select the specific execution channel and click Execute.
  3. Click Save and continue.
  4. Resolve externally added items opens, showing media in the linked Campaign Manager 360 campaign that are not in your plan. You have two choices:
    1. Click +. What’s in the Campaign Manager 360 campaign will override what’s in your plan.
    2. Click Save and continue. This will ignore the placements in the Campaign Manager 360 campaign.
Ignore the placements if you have a long-running campaign and you only want to manage a subset of placements in Planning. You can link the campaign and mark the placements you don't want to manage in Planning as Ignored. When you do this, Planning keeps those placements available to you.
  • To reset any choices you have previously made, click Restore. You can now to go back through steps 1-4 for all placements that are not already managed in your project.
  1. Resolve externally edited items opens, showing you the differences between placements in Planning and the corresponding placements in Campaign Manager 360. The fields with different values for each pair are highlighted.
    • Note: Planning signals you when changes to linked placements in Campaign Manager 360 can’t be accepted into Planning. Two kinds of changes can’t be accepted:
      • Placement group changes when in-group placements have been added or removed in Campaign Manager 360
      • Changes to a standalone placement in Planning if the linked Campaign Manager 360 placement was moved into a placement group in Campaign Manager 360
    • Planning also signals you when changes to linked placements can’t be pushed to Campaign Manager 360. The same two rules apply to placements that can’t be pushed to Campaign Manager 360 via the execution channel:
      • Placement group changes when in-group placements have been added or removed in Campaign Manager 360
      • Changes to a standalone placement in Planning if the linked Campaign Manager 360 placement was moved into a placement group in Campaign Manager 360
  2. When you have resolved differences, click Save and continue.
  3. Review items to be executed opens. Review the items and click Execute to execute the plan in Campaign Manager 360.

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