Publisher Portal

Download placement tags for publisher-paid campaigns

Publisher Portal is a platform for publishers to download tags for publisher-paid placements. This platform is just for publisher-paid placements: that's any placement where the publisher pays some or all of the ad serving costs. (Working with the advertiser, your site can agree to pay either all of the ad serving costs, or just the Studio uplift fees.) The other kind of placement is agency-paid, where the agency pays the costs.

Basic process

Let's say you're the publisher:

  1. First a trafficker gets the publisher-paid placement ready for you in Campaign Manager 360.

  2. Next your organization gets an email from Campaign Manager 360 that your tags are ready in the Publisher Portal. The email might go to you, or it might go to another person working with you: the email address for notifications from Campaign Manager 360 is based on the Site Directory or the contact information the Campaign Manager 360 trafficker provides.

  3. Finally, you access the portal, approve your placements, and download the tags so you can traffic them on your site.

Use Publisher Portal

Use the Publisher Portal to approve placements and download tags. You can't download tags for a placement until the placement is approved.

Status (ad serving fees for tags)
Status of tags depends on whether ad serving fees were approved or rejected.
  • Pending approval: Awaiting approval of the ad serving fees 
  • Approved: Ad serving fees accepted and tag is now available for download 
  • Rejected: Ad serving fees rejected—the Campaign Manager 360 advertiser has been notified

To view rejected tags, filter by status.

Approve placements

  1. Sign in to the Google Account associated with your publisher.

    Different Google Accounts allow tag access for different publishers. Make sure you sign in to the Google Account that's set up to access tags for that particular publisher in the portal. Your administrator decides which publisher your Google Account is for.

  2. Click Need review in the left-hand navigation panel.

  3. Use checkboxes to select one or more placements.

  4. Click Review.

  5. Under Accept Rich Media fees, click the icon. When a green checkmark is displayed, you are ready to approve the selected placements.

  6. Click Approve. The placements are now available for tag download.
Download tags
  1. Sign in to the Google Account associated with your publisher.

    Different Google Accounts allow tag access for different publishers. Make sure you sign in to the Google Account that's set up to access tags for that particular publisher in the portal. Your administrator decides which publisher your Google Account is for.

  2. Select the placements whose tags you want to download. Use filters as needed to find the right placements. You can also select the checkbox at the top of the page to select all of the placements that are currently displayed.

  3. Click Download.

  4. Choose a format for your download. If you choose an SSL format, the tags will use secure https:// calls rather than standard http:// calls. Use SSL formatted tags if the ads will be displayed on secure webpages.

Manage access

Someone on your team must act as the administrator. The admin sets up other users with access.

  1. Access the portal at

  2. Click Admin in the upper-right corner.

  3. Click Users in the left-hand navigation panel.

  4. Click New user.

  5. Enter the user's information, including the email address. An invitation will be sent to this email address. The email will tell the user how to access Publisher Portal. In some cases, the user might need to register for a Google Account first.

  6. Choose a role for the user.

    • Administrator: Can access all functions, including adding users.

    • Trafficker: Can download tags. No access to other functions.
  7. Click Save.

Resolve problems

I can't access the portal.

Make sure you're signed in to the right Google Account. Ask your admin which Google Account you need to access tags for your publisher in the portal. If you're still having trouble, contact

I'm in the portal, but I can't find the tags I need.

Have you received an email from Campaign Manager 360 yet? Your tags won't be available in the portal until you receive notification from Campaign Manager 360.

Next, make sure you accessed the portal with the right Google Account. Different Google Accounts allow tag access for different publishers. Ask your admin which publisher your Google Account is for.

Finally, make sure you've approved the placements whose tags you want to download.

If you're still having trouble, you can contact Ad Manager support through the in-product help pane by clicking Help when you're signed in to your account. 

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