About metrics and dimensions

To help you understand reports, we've provided a list of the filters, dimensions, and metrics that are used in Reporting.

  • Dimensions are elements in Reporting that can be listed, such as advertisers, creatives, ad types, and so on. In Report Builder, you can use dimensions as column headings in your reports, enabling you to sort by a particular dimension.

  • Metrics are standard units of measure that are applied to your campaigns.

Most dimensions also function as filters, which are used to limit the data that's available in a report. For example, if you filter by advertiser, only that advertiser's campaigns and other data are displayed. Other advertisers are excluded from the report.

Some dimensions aren't available as filters. For example, "Date" is a useful dimension, enabling you to see impressions and clicks by date. However, there's no need to filter by date, because you already set a date range for each report.

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