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Third-party tracking with dynamic tags

Dynamic tags integrate third-party tools for tracking website activity, enabling the notification of third parties in real time whenever there's a conversion. By enabling you to insert HTML code dynamically into Floodlight-enabled webpages, dynamic tags make it easy to use third-party tracking services and keep the relevant code up to date. It's especially useful if you do affiliate marketing, where website publishers get paid based on the number of conversions they send your way.

Important notes

Campaign Manager 360 enforces the use of SSL for all dynamic tags. Learn how to create SSL-compliant dynamic tags

The code you enter as dynamic tags is your responsibility, as are any performance impacts or security risks. Google is not responsible for the performance of third-party services, and dynamic tags are not screened for potential risks.

Dynamic and publisher tags are not supported for in app floodlights.

Types of dynamic tags

There are two types of dynamic tags, which are set up as part of your Floodlight activity properties and delivered dynamically when the Floodlight tag is called.

Default tags

Default tags are delivered whenever your Floodlight tag is served. For example, if you use a third-party tracking service, you can use default tags to insert the tracking code. If you need to change the code later, there's no need to modify your website. Instead, you can make the changes directly in Campaign Manager 360.

Publisher tags

Publisher tags are associated with a particular site. When an impression or click on a site is attributed to a conversion, Campaign Manager 360 delivers the publisher tags associated with the site where the user clicked or viewed the ad.

A common use for publisher tags is to provide external confirmation to publishers each time a click or view on their site leads to a conversion on yours. This confirmation is especially important when you're using an affiliate marketing model, where publishers are paid based on the number of conversions they send your way.

Publisher tags can be served for click-through conversions, view-through conversions, or both. For a publisher tag to be served, the conversion must occur within your specified conversion window.

To associate a publisher tag with a Floodlight activity:

  1. Navigate to the Floodlight activity where you want to add the pixel and open the Dynamic tags section. 

  2. Click Publisher tags > New tag and locate the site where the pixel should fire. Mark the site and click Select site.

  3. Add the code for the tag in the text box. 

  4. Select one of the following conversion types:

    • Click-Through
    • View-Through
    • Both
  5. Save your changes.

Enable dynamic tags

Dynamic tags are enabled for each advertiser on the Floodlight configuration tab.

For dynamic tags to be delivered, you must be using the Google tag or iframe tags, not image tags. If the site is unable to implement the Google tag or an iframe tag, a JavaScript version of the tag can be supplied instead (learn more about JavaScript Floodlight tags).

Stop dynamic tags from serving

There are several ways to stop dynamic tags from serving.  

Option 1: Delete dynamic tags from activities

To stop delivery of dynamic tags for just one Floodlight activity, you can delete the activity's dynamic tags. The Floodlight activity will continue to function, but dynamic tags will no longer be delivered. No retagging is required.

Option 2: Retag with image tags

You can stop dynamic tags from serving by retagging the advertiser's webpages using image tags. To do so:

  1. Set the Floodlight activity to use image tags.

  2. Send the image tags to your website administrator for implementation.

Keep in mind that simply changing the activity to image tags won't stop dynamic tags from delivering. Any existing Google tags or iframe tags will continue to deliver dynamic tags. To stop their delivery, you must retag with image tags.

Option 3: Disable dynamic tags for Google tags

Google tags contain a parameter called allow_custom_scripts. When this parameter is set to true, dynamic tags are enabled. The value of this field will override the settings for dynamic tags on the associated Floodlight activity in Campaign Manager 360. If you don’t want your event snippet to support dynamic tags, set this field to false or remove it entirely from your event snippet.

Option 4: Stop dynamic tags by removing all Floodlight tags

You can also stop dynamic tags by removing the Floodlight tags entirely from all websites. In doing so, you'll be shutting down the Floodlight activity as a whole, not just the dynamic tags.

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