Manage placement tags

Download or send placement tags

Steps to download tags or send a request for publisher approval

Placement tags allow Campaign Manager 360 to serve ads to your publisher's site. Once your placements have active ads and creatives, you are ready to send them to your publisher.

Click Tags > Download tags or Tags > Send tags on the upper right. Then select placements and follow the workflow to download or send tags. (For more information on placement tags, see the placement tags guide.)

Here's how to choose whether to download or send tags:

  • Download tags is the workflow to download agency-paid tags, plus publisher-paid tags that the publisher has already approved (through the "Send tags" workflow).

  • Send tags is the workflow to (a) request approval from the publisher for your publisher-paid tags and (b) send agency-paid tags to publishers via email attachments from Campaign Manager 360.

Payment source: agency vs. publisher
  • Agency: The agency pays the ad serving costs associated with ads delivered to the placement. You can download agency-paid tags or send them via attachment through Campaign Manager 360.

  • Publisher: The publisher pays the ad serving costs associated with ads delivered to the placement. Google bills publishers directly for these costs. You cannot download publisher-paid tags from Campaign Manager 360 until they are approved by the publisher. You must first send these tags directly to the publisher system (Google Ad Manager or the Publisher Portal). After the publisher approves them, you can also download them from Campaign Manager 360. (Here are pub-paid instructions for your publishers.)

Steps to download or send tags

Download tags

Before you get started: Do you have placements on secure sites (https)? If so, make sure you check the Require SSL checkbox in the placement properties. This is the only way to export secure tags that will work on secure sites. It also ensures that your ads and creatives will work on those sites. Learn more

  1. Click Tags > Download tags in your campaign.

  2. Choose which placements you need tags for:

    • All placements: Select the top checkbox, to the left of the "Name" column. This selects all placements—except for any publisher-paid placements that are not yet approved by the publisher.

    • Only placements that match your search: Use the search bar to add filters or search for items. Then click the top checkbox, to the left of the "Name" column. This selects all the placements in your campaign that match your search—except for any publisher-paid placements that are not yet approved by the publisher.

    • Only placements you select manually: Select the checkboxes of your placements manually. You can select them across multiple pages. You can also use the search bar to narrow your list.

    • Tip: You can search for multiple terms in a name, like [app tablet], exact string matches with quotes, and multiple IDs.

    Default ads: Typically, Campaign Manager 360 requires that placements on display inventory have default ads before allowing you to export tags. If your placements do not have default ads, you need to add image assets of a matching size to your campaign. Campaign Manager 360 will automatically create default ads with them and assign them to your display placements. Default ads are recommended for your placements but can change your Campaign Manager 360 settings to remove this requirement. Remove this requirement

  3. Choose tag types. There are columns for each tag type in your list of placements. Use the checkboxes in these columns to select or de-select tag types. The top checkboxes in each column will select the tag type for all placements.


    • Campaign Manager 360 selects tag types for you based on tag defaults in the placement properties. Packages/roadblocks use a general default selection. Add or remove tag types here if needed.

    • Click tracker tags are never included by default. To include them, select the top checkbox in the "Click tracker" column.

    • You can include or exclude tracking ads with with the "Include tracking ads" checkbox in the left sidebar.

    • Event tags are not supported for standard tags. To track image creatives with event tags, use JavaScript or iframe/JavaScript tags. About event tags

    • Publisher-paid placements include all tag types automatically.

    • If you want your tag file names to use campaign and advertiser IDs instead of campaign and advertiser names, select the "Use IDs in file name" checkbox on in the left sidebar.

  4. Choose your tag format in the left sidebar: Excel, Text, or HTML.

    You may wish to download tags in multiple formats so that you can test your tags in multiple ways. Once you finish downloading tags in one format, choose another format and click Download again.

  5. If you're downloading a tracking ad you'll use to track third-party ad tags in Display & Video 360, select Include dc_dbm macro. This will prevent duplicate impressions when using wrapped third-party ad tags with a Campaign Manager 360 tracking ad.
  6. (Selected by default) Unselect the Include TCF GDPR macros checkbox to exclude TCF GDPR macros in the exported tags.
  7. Choose any other properties for your download.
  8. Click Download tags. Your browser will download tags for the placements you selected. You can now test them or send them to publishers as an attachment.

Send tags
  1. Click Tags > Send tags in your campaign.

  2. Choose placements that are ready for your publishers. The "Send tags" workflow only shows you publisher-paid placements.

    • All placements: Select the top checkbox, to the left of the "Name" column. This selects all publisher-paid placements in your campaign.

    • Only placements that match your search: Use the search bar to add filters or search for items. Then click the top checkbox, to the left of the "Name" column. This selects all the publisher-paid placements in your campaign that match your search.

    • Only placements you select manually: Select the checkboxes of your placements manually. You can select them across multiple pages. You can also use the search bar to narrow your list.

    • Tip: You can search for multiple terms in a name, like [app tablet], exact string matches with quotes, and multiple IDs.

    Default ads: Typically, Campaign Manager 360 requires that placements on display inventory have default ads before allowing you to export tags. If your placements do not have default ads, you need to add image assets of a matching size to your campaign. Campaign Manager 360 will automatically create default ads with them and assign them to your display placements. Default ads are recommended for your placements but can change your Campaign Manager 360 settings to remove this requirement. Remove this requirement

  3. Choose tag types. There are columns for each tag type in your list of placements. Use the checkboxes in these columns to select or de-select tag types. The top checkboxes in each column will select the tag type for all placements.


    • Campaign Manager 360 selects tag types for you based on tag defaults in the placement properties. Packages/roadblocks use a general default selection. Add or remove tag types here if needed.

    • Click tracker tags are never included by default. To include them, select the top checkbox in the "Click tracker" column.

    • You can include or exclude tracking ads with with the "Include tracking ads" checkbox in the left sidebar.

    • Event tags are not supported for standard tags. To track image creatives with event tags, use JavaScript or iframe/JavaScript tags. About event tags

    • Publisher-paid placements include all tag types automatically.

    • If you want your tag file names to use campaign and advertiser IDs instead of campaign and advertiser names, select the "Use IDs in file name" checkbox on in the left sidebar

  4. Click Next.

  5. Set up your message.

    Attachment properties
    • Format: What format do you want to use for the tags you send your publishers? This only applies to agency-paid tags, which Campaign Manager 360 sends to the publisher via email attachment.

    • File settings:

      • (Selected by default) Include TCF GDPR macros: Unselect this checkbox if you want to exclude TCF GDPR macros in the exported tags.

      • Use IDs in file name: Select this checkbox if you want your tag file names to use campaign and advertiser IDs instead of campaign and advertiser names.

      • Include tracking ads: Select this checkbox to include tags for tracking ads.

    Main message
    • From and Reply to: Campaign Manager 360 includes this information in the notification it sends your publishers. This tells publishers who notified them about your tags and where to send any questions or comments.

      By default, Campaign Manager 360 enters the email address associated with your user profile, but you can enter any valid email address you like.

    • CC: Copy other email addresses on this message, including "myself"—the one associated with your user profile in Campaign Manager 360.

    • Message: Enter a general message for all site publishers. This message will go to the publisher for every placement you selected.

    Site-specific messages

    There is one section for each site that has placements you selected.

    At the top, you can see how many tags are attached to the site's email, and how many additional publisher-pad tags will be pending approval once you finish this process.

    • To: Enter the email address of each publisher. These fields auto-populate based on the Site Directory.

    • Message: Enter a specific message for each publisher, if needed. Each publisher receives the main message above plus any site-specific notes you add here.

  6. Click Send.

    • Campaign Manager 360 will now send any publisher-paid tags you included via email attachment.

    • Campaign Manager 360 will also update your publisher's system with any additional tags that are pending approval. Learn about the publisher-paid approval process below.

  7. After you complete this process, your tags appear in the publisher's system (either Google Ad Manager or Publisher Portal). Your publisher also receives an email with instructions to review the tags and authorize payment. After approving the tags, your publishers can access them and add them to the site.

    Check your placement's approval status in the placement properties. Once the placement is approved you'll see a message that payment has been authorized.

    You can also check approval status in the Payment source column:

    • Agency: agency-paid placement

    • Publisher (notification required): the payment source is set to publisher-paid, but you still need to notify the publisher (see step 5).

    • Publisher (pending): you notified the publisher but the publisher hasn't authorized payment yet.

    • Publisher (approved): the publisher authorized payment for your publisher-paid placement, so you're ready to go!

    • Publisher (rejected): the publisher did not authorize payment for this publisher-paid placement.

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