Brand Controls and verification

Geography blocking in Brand Controls

You can specify which geographic locations are allowed for ads to serve in. Ads outside these locations will be flagged for ad blocking. For the geography blocking setting, you can specify locations in one of the following levels:

  • Country
  • State
  • DMA® Regions

Geographic targeting data 

Geographic targeting data in Brand Controls comes from Reporting. Reporting uses IP addresses as the basis for geographic reporting. Learn more about geo-targeting discrepancies

Nielsen™ defines DMA® Regions and Campaign Manager 360 uses these definitions to classify IP addresses into DMA® Regions.

Edit the geography blocking setting

  1. In your Campaign Manager 360 account, go to the Verification page.
  2. Click Account settings.
  3. Click Geography to open the section.
  4. Click the Allow dropdown to choose the geography type. Note that you can only pick one out of Country, State/Region, and DMA Region.
  5. Add locations that you want to allow.
  6. Click Apply.

Note that ad blocking must be enabled to block ads from serving in flagged locations. Learn more about ad blocking.

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