Attribution modeling

Enable engaged view conversions for your attribution model

You can use engaged view conversions to define a set of criteria for how view through conversions are counted (for video ads). Including engaged view conversions in your attribution model helps you measure the performance of your video ads with criteria that better fit your advertising goals.

Here's how:

Enable engaged view conversions

  1. Navigate to Advertiser > Floodlight > Configuration > Engaged View conversions.
  2. Under Enable engaged view switch On.
  3. Click Save at the top of the screen.
  4. Engaged view conversions must also be included in your attribution model.

Define criteria for engaged view conversions

  • Visible %: The minimum percentage of the video ad's pixels that must be visible on screen to count a conversion.
  • Audible: When checked, videos must be played with volume at least 10% to count a conversion.
  • Time threshold: The minimum visible time required (based on visible% in seconds) before a conversion is counted.
  • Quartile threshold: The minimum visible time required based on the video quartiles (video is divided into quarters). You can select a time requirement, a quartile requirement, or both. If both are selected, a conversion is counted if either requirement is met (whichever happens first).
  • Device type: Specific device types to filter to. All types will be included by default.
  • Skippable (required): When checked, ads must be skippable. 


  • Once your engaged view criteria is defined and included in your attribution model, view through conversions will be counted based on your engaged view conversion criteria.
  • Video Impressions won't change.

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