Jan 8, 2019
iCloud subscribed calendar NOT updating in Google calendar
I am trying to set up my apple/icloud calendars to sync to my google calendar. The initial sync looks like it worked perfect, all my events are in google with all the information. I noticed that if I update an event or add a new one in my iCloud it doesn’t show up in the google cal.
I want this to work as I got a google home for Christmas and would like to hear all of my events when I ask what is coming up for the day.
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Last edited Apr 24, 2019
All Replies (116)
Jan 12, 2019
Hi Tashina
When you add an event via iCloud make sure you're associating it with the Google calendar - this is usually called 'Events' or has your email address as the calendar name.
Dec 16, 2019
Dec 18, 2019
This has been happening on and off for years. gCal stops updating subscriptions. You add a new URL and it will pull all of the events but after that new events will not appear in gCal. Then one day... it starts working. Maybe for months, then.... it breaks again.
It's hard to recall accurately but I'm pretty sure I've seen this happen at least three times in the last 5-6 years. The question is... how long will it last this time?
Jan 3, 2020
I created an ICal feed for a client, it works great on MS Outlook client as I can schedule the sync. However when I use the same feed and use Gcal, the updates are never seen. This is a major drawback for Google. I am shocked this is not working as Google is an enterprise caliber system. Very disappointing. You should forward this thread via Twitter to @Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Maybe the Goliath will listen.
Last edited Jan 3, 2020
Jan 8, 2020
Jan 14, 2020
Jan 21, 2020
Jan 27, 2020
After HOURS of searching the web on how to fix this problem, I found it!! If you want to send your iphone cal to google cal, here's what you do. When you first set up the cal, all events that are already listed will show up immediately. Any "NEW EVENTS" will not show up unless you have them set to sync w one another.
Adding and iphone calendar to google calendar
in the google cal on a browser, ADD the iphone cal to google via URL:
Sync settings in google
GO TO: calendar.google.com/calendar/syncselect
---Make sure the calendar you added is "checked" to sync
on your iphone using the Google Cal app
1. Settings-->Manage accounts-->Make sure "icloud" is checked
That should do it. I hope this helps everyone out there that relies on the calendars that are shared to be the most updated events.
Make sure you check all the boxes she recommends and save everything as you go. You will sync within the hour.
Last edited Jan 27, 2020
Feb 17, 2020
Mar 3, 2020
Very strange...
Mar 4, 2020
You can "subscribe" to a public iCloud calendar as people have already explained above, which makes a linked copy in Google Calendar (both on web and the App), but that is read-only.
Mar 4, 2020
This sounds crappy, sorry. In my understanding, a Google Calendar is a Google Calendar, regardless which app it displays. So there should be no difference whether the web app or an app on your mobile device shows the calendar (at least this is true for all my Google calendars, except the described iCloud sync problem).
When sync works fine (and the subscribed calendar is configured somewhere in your Google account, not in the mobile app!), it shows up in all calendars.
Unfortunately as described in several posts here, this sync sometimes seems to get broken. I subscribed to two different iCloud calendars (built with the same iCloud account to be honest!) to get synced with my Google Calendar. One (older) subscription still works fine, the other one broke (about 2 years ago) and never worked again.
Even when I stop publishing the calender within iCloud, and then create a new public accessible iCloud subscription for my iCloud calendar (a new URL is generated then), Google accepts the new URL - it looks good (no error occurs), but no appointments show up in Google.
There is some hints in the web, that newly subscribed calenders might need some time to get synced. But they speak of hours, not months!
So for me it looks like there really is something broken.
Since this query is quite old and doesn‘t seem to be fixed yet, I think Google simply has no attention on this problem...
If any reader here has different ideas (some other tools or services out there in the net)? Any help is gratefully appreciated!
Mar 4, 2020
There are two different problems here.
The first is that many people mistakenly assume that syncing a calendar with the Google Calendar App is the same as syncing with Google Calendar. To make the difference easier to understand consider how you might use a Mail client such as Outlook to fetch your emails from various sources: GMail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. You wouldn't expect your GMail or Hotmail messages to show up at Outlook.com. in the same way, the Google Calendar App can display calendars from various calendar providers just like the Outlook email client can display emails from various email providers.
The second problem, as you've discovered, is that subscriptions by URL are unreliable. The best workaround for this is to use a script such as https://github.com/derekantrican/GAS-ICS-Sync, which lets you configure how often events are pulled from the feed URL.
Other than that, all we can do is "Send Feedback" to let Google know.