Jul 16, 2019

Saved google search event not on calendar

Hi, until recently I was able to see events that I saved/bookmarked through google searches show up on the gmail calendar, now they dont show up. I can find them in the saved events when I look for them but they arent on the calendar. I'm on android one plus 5. All on mobile no desktop activity
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All Replies (8)
Jan 9, 2020
I'm seeing the same thing. Worse yet, there doesn't seem to be any way of adding events from Google search saved to the Google Calendar.
Jan 19, 2020
Same issue. Massive oversight makes it kind of pointless for me at least
Jan 20, 2020
I don't remember ever being able to view these "Events" on Google Calendar... It would be useful to be able to save these to a calendar, but I think the reason is that these are not technically calendar "Events" (i.e an entry on a calendar), they are "Events" in the sense that it's something you might want to attend. It wouldn't be difficult for Google to allow saving them to a calendar, but if users then expect the calendar event to be updated/deleted if the actual event is  changed/deleted, they'll be disappointed. That could only work if the structured data for such events contained a public URL to a corresponding calendar event, which isn't yet supported afaik.
Last edited Jan 20, 2020
Feb 19, 2020
I've thought it was just myself experiencing the problem, and I can see now I'm not the only one who has the issue.
Feb 27, 2020
I wish they would automatically add it to our calendar and give us the option to remove it if we change our mind.
Mar 10, 2020
I can’t even find my saved events. It’s really obnoxious. Why save them if you can’t do anything? 

Also, to the guy a few comments up...the events are all created within googles own system. Updating events should be as simple as updating any other shared event.
Mar 10, 2020
Hi Savannah,

You can find your saved "events" at https://www.google.com/save, in the menu at Google.com on mobile under "Collections", or by asking Google Assistant to show your saved events.

The reason they don't show up on Google Calendar is that they are not necessarily strictly speaking "Events" in that they are not actually on a calendar anywhere.

If Google had called them "Things to Do" it might have prevented the confusion with actual Calendar Events... and I agree that it's not intuitive having to visit "Collections" to see "Events" which aren't even on a calendar. My guess is that this is a new feature which needs improvement, so make sure you "Send Feedback".
Last edited Mar 10, 2020
Mar 10, 2020
Hey everyone, I actually found out that now when I go to the main google app/assitant where all the personalizations are saved، if you go to the updates tab in the app you will see the events that you saved from google searches and from there you can save to your google calendar. Its a 2 step process still so it would be nice to have the option to "save" straight to our google calendars. Also for those looking for your saved events i don't see them under collections but if you google "events near me" and click the more button it will take you to an expanded page, click on the saved tab to find all past and future events you saved, you can also bookmark that page to your phone homepage for easier access. I hope this helps someone
Last edited Mar 10, 2020
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