Configuring your sidebar

Move the sidebar to the left or right side, or turn it off

  1. Click the Design tab.
  2. Click Layouts to expand the section for page layouts.
  3. You can select a layout that positions the menu and sidebar in different locations. Click each option to preview it.
  4. Click Save to confirm your selection, or Cancel to discard your changes.

Remember, the sidebar’s job is to provide the key information that any visitor to your website will need. If you decide to turn it off, do remember to include your contact information (such as a phone number and address, or opening hours) on your homepage, so people can find your key information easily.

The headings About us and Contact us are preset by Business Sitebuilder and cannot be overridden.

Changing the text in the sidebar

  1. Click the Pages tab.
  2. Click the pencil icon to bring up the editor for the sidebar content.
  3. Edit the business information, and click OK.


To turn off the map, uncheck the Show Map on Site checkbox.

Correct the location of the pin in the map

  1. Click the red pin on the map, and drag it to the correct location.
  2. If the pin is far from where it needs to be, you may need to click the + and - buttons to change the zoom level of the map, so you can drag it to the right part of the city, and then zoom in again to find the right street.

Other Information

The sidebar is set to show your most important business details on purpose. Research shows that most visitors to a website are looking for a few basic kinds of information: what’s the address, what’s the phone number, and what are the hours of the business? The sidebar makes it easy for your visitors to find this information on any page. You can write additional text in the Business description and Additional Info sections.

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