You can flag one or more photos using this form. This will enable faster resolution.

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What is the official email address used to manage your Google Business Profile?
Please enter a valid email address.
Your number is protected by Google’s privacy policy and will not be provided to third parties.
Note: We will do our best to email you, but we still might call you if we need any quick clarification or information about your issue
Please enter a valid phone number.
As seen on Google Search & Google Maps

To find the public URL or 'Maps link' for your business page, search for your business on Google Maps. Click the business link, then copy and paste the full URL in this form.

Where to find business profile maps link example

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Copy & paste the photo URL from the photo viewer on the page for your business. Click Add additional for each additional photo.
Have you flagged the photo(s) in question? *
Flagged photos get reviewed and actioned on faster. Click here to know more. (If the photo is not flagged, it's highly likely we will ask you to do so and wait for 3 days if you contact us.)
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