Google Business Profile API Support* Required fieldWhat can we help with? *Select oneGeneral API QuestionApplication For Basic API AccessQuota Increase RequestSelect oneSelect oneGeneral API QuestionApplication For Basic API AccessQuota Increase RequestThe Business Profile APIs lets you programmatically manage your business information such as name, address, phone number, hours, photos, and more. Access to this API is available through an allowlist and granted to companies that intend to use the API to manage your Business Profiles. If your company is interested in getting access to the APIs, please complete the form below with details about your company. Please answer all questions accurately and in as much detail as possible; any inaccurate information may affect your company's access to the APIs. Once we've confirmed the information provided in your application, the API team will reach out to the Business contact provided in this form with next steps. Please only submit this form once for your company. Don't have a project? Visit Google Developers Console to create one: You can only request a quota increase if already approved for API Access. If not yet approved, select 'Application For Basic Access' on this form instead. You can learn more about gaining access to the API on our prerequisites page: I understand I can only submit this request if already approved for API access. I have confirmed that my quota is not currently set to zero *What is your name? *Email address *Email address * Enter email address associated with the same domain as your company website. We will use this email address for communications related to your Business Profile APIs application and usage.Which email addresses will administer the Project ID entered above (the accounts you/your team log into the Google Cloud Platform with)? *Company Name * Company Website *Google Cloud Platform Project ID *Find your Project ID and number using these steps.Google Cloud Platform Project Number *Find your Project ID and number using these steps.Please enter only numbers. When was the last time you had a quota increase request approved? *Select one<1 month1-3 months3+ monthsSelect oneSelect one<1 month1-3 months3+ months Which API does your request relate to? *Select oneAccount Management APIBusiness Information APILodging APINotifications APIPlace Actions APIQ&A APIVerifications APIPerformance APIv4.9 EndpointsGeneral API RequestSelect oneSelect oneAccount Management APIBusiness Information APILodging APINotifications APIPlace Actions APIQ&A APIVerifications APIPerformance APIv4.9 EndpointsGeneral API RequestWhat is your requested updated quota amount? * What Queries Per Minute are you requesting? Ex: Put '600' if your request is for your new limit to be 600 queries per minuteIssue Summary *We’ll use this as the subject line in emails to you Issue Description * 0/1000i.e. timeline of issues, location IDs affected, API request and responseAttachmentNo files chosen Choose filesCode Samples, screenshots, or any other useful content for helping troubleshoot your issue Company HQ’s Google Maps Listing URL * In which regions are your merchants/customers located? *North AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAfricaAsiaAustralia How would you best categorize your company? *Select oneMerchantThird-PartySelect oneSelect oneMerchantThird-Party Why do you need access to the Business Profile APIs? *To Manage Locations On Google Maps & SearchFor Advertisement PurposesLocal Insights analytics and reporting How do you work with clients to manage their locations? *Clients log in to our location management application and make updatesWe make the updates but work with our clients to get dataResell our applicaction to other agenciesOther What type of customers do you manage? *Chains/Franchises (multi-location [10+] business)Small to Mid-Sized Businesses (<10 locations per business) Approximately how many Business Profile locations do you manage today? *Select one<1k1k-10k10k+Select oneSelect one<1k1k-10k10k+ Please confirm that you have read and agree to the Business Profile APIs policies. *YesSubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submissionSome account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.Your email has been sentThanks for contacting Google Business Profile Support! For your reference, your case ID is $CASE_ID.Edit requestDownload submission