About Local Favorites

The Local Favorites program recognizes top dining businesses in select cities based on their Business Profiles on Google.

You can see the list of Local Favorites at g.co/localfavorites. There are also pinned lists on Google Maps called "Local Favorites," "Hidden Gems," and "Rising Stars" for each city.


Local Favorites is only available in the US in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City, but is also being piloted in other US cities.

Selection criteria

Local Favorites are selected based on the following criteria:

  • The business must have a verified Business Profile and valid at least one year. Learn more how to verify your business on Google
  • The business must be located in one of the eligible locations listed above.
  • Only food or dining businesses are eligible. Large chains are excluded.
  • Businesses are selected based on ratings and the number of clicks to the website, clicks to call, and direction requests from Maps.

About the lists

In addition to the Local Favorites list, businesses may qualify for the "Hidden Gems" and "Rising Stars" lists." Businesses recognized in these bonus lists are also considered a "Local Favorite."

  • Hidden Gems are dining businesses that have high ratings, but at a smaller volume than overall Local Favorites.
  • Rising Stars are dining businesses that are less than two years old and gaining popularity based on how their reviews improve in their time of business.

Local Favorite stickers

You can identify a Local Favorite restaurant in the real world through a special recognition sticker labeled "Local Favorite" with the city name and year.

You are only eligible to receive a Local Favorites sticker if you were recognized as a Local Favorite, and will receive that sticker in the mail.

Google stickers

If you want a "Follow us on Google" or "Review us on Google" sticker, you can download or request them at marketingkit.withgoogle.com (site only available in select countries). For a limited time, businesses in the US can request a sticker in the mail.


Get help from Small Business Advisors

Want to receive one-on-one guidance and tailored recommendations on how to make the most out of your Business Profile? Try booking an appointment with Small Business Advisors.

Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including Business Profile verification or suspension, or Google Ads billing.

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