Changes to Google Business Profile chat and call history

As of July 31, 2024, the chat and call history features are no longer available in your Business Profile. You won’t be able to interact with customers through chat or find customer call history from your Business Profile.

Customers are still able to find and contact your business through Google Search and Maps. They can learn more information about you from your website links, business description, photos, and anything else you share on your Business Profile. You’ll also continue to receive calls from your Business Profile and track other engagement metrics for your business, such as web traffic or directions requests. Learn how to check your Business Profile performance.

What to do next

  • To find records of past Business Profile chats or call history, download it through Google Takeout. These records will be available for download until August 30, 2024.
  • For existing chat conversations, consider alternative chat channels to continue the conversation with your customers, if available.



Is the chat FAQs feature being deprecated along with Business Profile chat?

Yes, all chat features are no longer supported.

I use Google Business Messages API. Will this impact me? Will this change impact any other Google Business Profile APIs outside of messaging?

The “BUSINESS_CONVERSATIONS” metric is no longer available in the Performance API.

Are customers notified with these changes?

Yes, all customers with current chat conversations were notified on July 15, 2024.

Can users still request a quote through Business Profile?

No, customers can no longer request quotes.

I used to get a lot of booking requests through chat. Are there any alternative solutions that I can explore?

In certain countries or regions, customers can reserve a service and pay for bookings through the Reserve with Google platform. Learn more about Reserve with Google.

Will the call button on my profile be updated to my original phone number instead of the Google forwarding number automatically?

Yes, numbers will be automatically updated to use the merchant’s supplied phone number in Google Business Profile.

If Business Profile chat was my primary contact method with customers, should I add my phone number to my Business Profile?

Yes, if your profile currently doesn’t have a phone number, or if the number is hidden, it’s recommended to add your phone number to your profile so customers can contact you. Learn more about how to edit your business phone number.

Will this change affect all users?


Get help from Small Business Advisors

Want to receive one-on-one guidance and tailored recommendations on how to make the most out of your Business Profile? Try booking an appointment with Small Business Advisors.

Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including Business Profile verification or suspension, or Google Ads billing.

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