Troubleshoot ONIX issues

This page lists all the error messages that you may receive when submitting ONIX data, and the corresponding actions to take in order to fix them.

If you wish to receive automated ONIX error reports every time you submit new ONIX data, contact our support team, providing the collection code you're using to submit your data.

Issues are categorized according to their severity:

Error Record is invalid due to missing or invalid required values. The books affected won't go on sale.
Warning Record is valid, but some of the recommended values are invalid or missing. The books affected will go on sale, but it may result in loss of Google Play functionality.
Info Minor issues or optimization tips for your ONIX data. Your data is still valid and your books will go on sale.

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Missing ISBN

Message: The ISBN book identifier is missing. The book will not go on sale without this identifier.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide a valid identifier for each book.

Invalid ISBN

Message: The book identifier (ISBN, LCCN, etc.) is wrongly formatted. If there are no other valid identifiers in the record, then the book will not go on sale.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide a valid ISBN identifier for each book: check that the correct value is provided for <ProductIdentifier> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0). In the case of an ISBN ensure that the ISBN has the correct checksum.

Missing Title

Message: The title is missing for one or more books. The book will not go on sale if the title is missing.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide the correct title for each book. Ensure each product has a <Title> element (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) with a <TitleType> 01 (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) and <TitleText> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0).

Missing Author

Message: The author is missing for one or more books. The book will not go on sale if the author is missing.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide the correct author for each book. Ensure that each author is specified by a <Contributor> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) with a <ContributorRole> A01 (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0).

Missing Record Reference

Message: The <RecordReference> tag is missing or contains invalid characters. These records will be ignored and the books will not go on sale.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide <RecordReference> elements (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) for each <Product> element (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0), using only alphanumeric characters and the hyphen, dot, colon, and underscore punctuation characters in the ID field.

Missing Product Form

Message: The product form is missing for one or more books. The books will not go on sale.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide <ProductForm> DG for each book.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide <ProductForm> EA for each book.

Book Format Mismatch

Message: The book format in your ONIX file doesn't match the format of the content file(s) you submitted. This book's information in the ONIX file will be ignored, and no changes will be made to the book.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide <ProductForm> DG for each eBook.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide <ProductForm> EA for each eBook.

Missing Epub Type

Message: The .epub file type is missing or not supported for one or more books.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide a supported <EpubType> value (000/002/023/029/032) for each book. Books without a supported <EpubType> will be ignored.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide a supported <ProductFormDetail> type (E101/E102/E107/E133) for each book. Books without a supported type will be ignored.

Missing Sales Rights

Message: Sales rights are missing for one or more books. The books will not go on sale in the Play Store.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide valid <SalesRights> values for each book, using the <RightsCountry> tag, or the <RightsTerritory> tag in combination with the values WORLD or ROW. The <RightsRegion> tag is not supported. To enable a book for sale, it must have at least one <SalesRights> section of which the <SalesRightsType> field must have value 01 (unrestricted sale with exclusive rights) or 02 (unrestricted sale with non-exclusive rights).

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide valid <SalesRights> values for each book, using just the <Territory> tag. To enable a book for sale, it must have at least one <SalesRights> section of which the <SalesRightsType> field must have value 01 (unrestricted sale with exclusive rights) or 02 (unrestricted sale with non-exclusive rights).

Missing Notification Type

Message: The notification type is missing or invalid for one or more books. The books will not go on sale in the Play Store.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide valid <NotificationType> values (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) for each <Product> tag (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0). Supported <NotificationType> values are 01-03 (complete record) and 05 (delete instruction).

Missing Supply Detail

Message: The supply detail section is missing for one or more books. This will prevent the books from going on sale.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide a valid and complete <SupplyDetail> composite for each book, making sure it includes a <Price> composite, <ProductAvailability> (or <AvailabilityCode>), and optionally <OnsaleDate>.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide a valid and complete <ProductDetail> composite for each book, making sure it includes a <Price> composite, <MarketPublishingStatus> (or <AvailabilityCode>), and optionally <MarketDate>.

Missing Sent Date

Message: The file is missing the sent date in the ONIX Header, preventing your file from being processed.

Action in ONIX 2.1: The ONIX file was not processed. An ONIX <Header> with a valid <SentDate> is required in order to process the ONIX file. Please include a <SentDate> and re-submit the ONIX file in order for the changes to take affect.

Action in ONIX 3: The ONIX file was not processed. An ONIX <Header> with a valid <SentDateTime> is required in order to process the ONIX file. Please include a <SentDateTime> and re-submit the ONIX file in order for the changes to take affect.

You will receive the "Missing Sent Date" error if you included the Sent Date in an unsupported format.
Invalid Price Amount

Message: One or more of the price amounts in the supply detail section is invalid.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide a valid <PriceAmount> value (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) for each price. Invalid <PriceAmount> values could be due to improper formatting or empty tags.

Conflicting Country and Territory

Message: A country and/or territory is ignored because of an error or conflict.

Action in ONIX 2.1: The <SalesRights> or <Price> stanza of the record combines <CountryCode> and <Territory> values in a way that is not supported, or one of the elements contains an error. The containing stanza is omitted, which may cause the book to go off sale in some location, or to be allowed for sale in some other location. Put <CountryCode> and <Territory> values in separate stanzas of <SalesRights> or <Price> and ensure that you are using valid country or territory codes in the correct tags. We accept tTerritory + excluded Country, but not Country + excluded Territory.

Action in ONIX 3.0: The <SalesRights> or <Price> stanza of the record combines <CountriesIncluded> (or <CountriesExcluded>) and <RegionsIncluded> (or <RegionsExcluded>) values in a way that is not supported, or one of the elements contains an error. The containing stanza is omitted, which may cause the book to go off sale in some location, or to be allowed for sale in some other location. Put <CountriesIncluded> and <RegionsIncluded> values in separate stanzas of <SalesRights> or <Price> and ensure that you are using valid country or region codes in the correct tags. We accept Territory + excluded Country, but not Country + excluded Territory.

Invalid XML Structure

Message: The XML structure is invalid or contains unsupported characters.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Parts of the record may not be parsed due to an error in structure or use of special characters. Verify that the XML structure is correct and does not contain special characters.


Invalid Optional Identifier

Message: An optional book identifier (ISBN, LCCN, etc.) is wrongly formatted. This identifier will be ignored.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide a valid ISBN identifier for each book: check that the correct value is filled in on the <ProductIdentifier> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0). In the case of an ISBN ensure that the ISBN has the correct checksum.

Missing Subject

Message: The subject category scheme is not supported or the subject category code is missing or invalid. The book will not appear in any Play Store categories and will be available exclusively through the search functionality.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide subject categories for each book using one of the supported subject category schemes. Ensure that each <Product> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) has a <Subject> classification (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) with an appropriate <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0).

Invalid Subject

Message: The subject category code is invalid. If this is the only subject code available then the book will not appear in any Play Store categories and will be available exclusively through the search functionality.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide valid subject categories for each book. Ensure that the <SubjectCode> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) is a valid entry for the <SubjectSchemeIdentifier> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0).

Missing Publisher

Message: The publisher name is missing. The metadata shown for these books in the Play Store will be incomplete.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide the correct publisher or imprint name for each book. Ensure that there is an <Imprint> with <NameCodeType> 02 for each book.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide the correct publisher or imprint name for each book. Ensure that there is an <Imprint> for each book.

Missing Summary

Message: The summary is missing for one or more books. The metadata shown for these books in the Play Store will be incomplete.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide a summary for each book using the <OtherText> with <TextTypeCode> 01, 02, or 03 (Main, Short, or Long description).

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide a summary for each book using the <CollateralDetail> with <TextTypeCode> 02.

Missing Publication Date

Message: The publication date is missing or invalid for one or more books. The metadata shown for these books in the Play Store will be incomplete.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide a <PublicationDate> element (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) for each book.

Missing Page Count

Message: The page count is missing for one or more books. The metadata shown for these books in the Play Store will be incomplete.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide <NumberOfPages> for each book.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide the <Extent> composite with number of pages for each <Product>.

No Records

Message: There are no books in the ONIX file. The file will be ignored and no changes will be made to your book catalog in the Play Store.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide an ONIX file that contains one or more <Product> elements (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0).

No Ebook Product Form

Message: The product form is not referring to an ebook format for one or more books. The books will not go on sale. If this is intentional then you can safely ignore the warning, for example if the feed includes both ebooks and print books or if you are providing this record to anticipate the metadata for a future electronic release.

Action in ONIX 2.1: If this book is in a digital format and you want this book to go on sale, provide <ProductForm> DG for each book.

Action in ONIX 3.0: If this book is in a digital format and you want this book to go on sale, provide <ProductForm> EA for each book.

Missing Related Product

Message: ISBN identifiers of the print version of one or more books are missing. The ebook won't be available in its original layout in the Play Store, and no preview will be available.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Provide ISBN identifiers of the print version of the book, using <RelatedProduct>, when possible. If the book is digital, only specify that with the <EditionTypeCode> DGO.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Provide ISBN identifiers of the print version of the book, using <RelatedProduct>, when possible. If the book is digital, only specify that with the <EditionType> DGO.

ISBN Reference

Message: The <RecordReference> tag is missing. The identifier in the product identifier field is used instead. The book will go on sale.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide a <RecordReference> element (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0)) for each <Product> element (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) in the file.

Identifier Changed

Message: There are multiple records with the same <RecordReference> that contain different ISBN identifiers. If this is intentional you can safely ignore this warning.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: If this is unintentional then make sure that every <Product> element (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) in the file has a unique record reference.

Older ONIX Timestamp

Message: The ONIX timestamp specified with the sent date is older then the latest ONIX timestamp that has been received.

Action in ONIX 2.1: If this is a re-delivery of older ONIX files you can safely ignore this message. If this is meant to be a delivery of the latest ONIX then check <SentDate> to ensure it matches the date of delivery.

Action in ONIX 3.0: If this is a re-delivery of older ONIX files you can safely ignore this message. If this is meant to be a delivery of the latest ONIX then check <SentDateTime> to ensure it matches the date of delivery.

ISBN Content Conflict

Message: Two or more records with different content have been received for one or more books with the same ISBN and timestamp.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: This could be an indicator of duplicate entries in the ONIX file.

Record Timestamp Conflict

Message: Two or more records have been received with the same record reference ID and timestamp.

Action in ONIX 2.1: This could be an indicator of duplicate entries in one ONIX file or two ONIX files with the same <SentDate> and overlapping records. Please resubmit a ONIX with a new <SentDate> with the records that should be used.

Action in ONIX 3.0: This could be an indicator of duplicate entries in one ONIX file or two ONIX files with the same <SentDateTime> and overlapping records. Please resubmit a ONIX with a new <SentDateTime> with the records that should be used.

Missing Price

Message: There is no price section in the supply detail section. The book will not go on sale in the Play store.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide one or more valid <Price> elements (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0).

Multiple Bibkeys

Message: The record has multiple different product identifier Bibkeys of the same type (e.g. multiple ISBNs).

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: If this is unintentional make sure that every <Product> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) element in the file has a unique ISBN.

Empty Price Date Range

Message: The price date range is empty because the dates are out of order. The book will not go on sale during the intended period.

Action in ONIX 2.1: Order the dates so <PriceEffectiveFrom> is no later than <PriceEffectiveUntil>.

Action in ONIX 3.0: Order the dates so the date associated to <PriceDateRole> 14 is no later than the date associated to <PriceDateRole> 15.

Unsupported Price Qualifier

Message: A price was ignored because it used an unsupported price qualifier.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: A price was ignored because it had an unsupported <PriceQualifier> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0). If a price qualifier is used, we only accept consumer prices.


Missing Biography

Message: The author biography is missing for one or more books.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Optionally provide the author's biography for each book. Ensure that each <Contributor> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) has a <BiographicalNote> (tag in ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0) with the author's biography.

No Standard Encoding

Message: The encoding of the ONIX .xml file may not be UTF-8. There may be issues in the book metadata caused by the conversion process.

Action in ONIX 2.1 and 3.0: Provide an ONIX .xml file with UTF-8 encoding. If your file is correctly encoded and specifies the encoding in the XML header then you can safely ignore this message.

Record Reference ID Changed

Message: The record reference ID has changed for one or more books.

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