Browse and search the book catalogue

You can browse and search for your books in the book catalogue of your Partner Centre account. The book catalogue displays an overview of each book, including title, author, list price and status.

To find more details and settings for a specific book, click on the title and go to the individual book's 'Book info' page. You can also use the search function to look up specific books or apply filters to the format and show the books format and status columns.

Your books will appear on the book catalogue page regardless if they're only available for preview on Google Books or sold on Google Play. All books that are sold on Google Play can be previewed on Google Books. Deactivated books aren't shown by default and are only shown if you select show books format and status.

If you download your book list after you use a search or filter, the books in the results will be included in the file.

Search for titles, authors or identifiers

To search your catalogue, click the search box at the top of the 'Book catalogue' page. Your search results will include all books that have an identifier, title or contributor that matches the search terms entered.

Searches aren't case-sensitive and include partial matches (e.g. searching for 'shake' will return books by Shakespeare).

You can also search specific fields by using the following prefixes. You can enter multiple keywords separated by spaces and your search results will include all books that match any of the search terms entered.

Field Example Description


title: 'Romeo and Juliet'

To search across your books' titles, enter the title before the keyword. If you want to search for a phrase, include it inside double quotation marks.




ISBN: 9781455582327



Enter a single ISBN or another book identifier in the search box to find the corresponding book. For identifiers that begin with 'GGKEY:', include the 'GGKEY' prefix.

Multiple identifiers





ISBN: 9781455582327

ISBN: 9781234567890


For any specific list of books, copy the full list of identifiers from your own list and paste it into the search box.

If you include the optional prefix (i.e. ISBN:), identifier(s) not existing in your account will show up in red.


author: Shake


exact_author: Shakespeare

To search across your books' contributors with authors and other types of contributors such as narrators, you can add these search prefixes:

  • 'author:' returns any books with contributors that include your keyword. For example, 'author: Shake' will return books by 'Shakespeare'
  • 'exact_author:' returns any books with contributors that exactly match your keyword. For example, 'author: Shake' will not return books by 'Shakespeare'

Filter by format

You can filter books by book format based on the format that you provided in the book metadata and information.

To filter books by format, click the Format header at the top of the book list and select the format.

Filter by status

The 'Status' column gives you basic information about the status of a book in your Partner Centre account. You can filter books by book status and availability, sellability status and the following 'Needs action' issue types:

  • Price
  • Content
  • Settings
  • Content rights
  • Audiobook quality

To filter books by status, click the Status header at the top of the book list.

Sort by title, author and last updated

You can sort your books by title, author and last updated in ascending or descending order by clicking each column header. Please note that the last updated date is an estimate and may not exactly match the date of your most recent change.

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