[Beta] Politicile de produs pentru cărțile audio generate automat

We may change our policies at any time and it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date with and adhere to the policies posted here. We will notify account holders via email upon changes to these policies.

You can more affordably create audiobooks with Google Play Books’ advanced text-to-speech offering.

  • Create audiobooks from ebooks in .epub format.
  • Upload a new epub or use an epub from your Play Books Partner Center account.
  • Choose from a wide variety of narrator voices.
  • Edit narration elements.
  • Add the required price and metadata.
  • Publish audiobook content to the Google Play Store.
  • Download your audiobook for distribution.

Important: You must own the audiobook rights to ebook titles you select for auto-narration.

Program Fee

During the Beta testing period, there's no program fee to generate and publish an auto-narrated audiobook. Google will notify you of any changes to the fees and such changes will not be applied retroactively.

Sales of auto-narrated audiobooks

Poți să descarci cărți audio generate automat și să le vinzi pe alte platforme de distribuire a cărților, însă acestea trebuie să fie disponibile pentru vânzare și pe Google Play în fiecare țară în care pot fi puse în vânzare. Prețul de listă al unei cărți audio generate automat pe Google Play nu trebuie să fie mai mare decât prețul cărții audio generate automat pe alte platforme de comerț cu amănuntul.

Dacă generezi bani din cărți audio generate automat prin anunțuri, prețul de listă al unei cărți generate automat în Cărți Play trebuie să fie similar cu venitul obținut din vânzarea acelei cărți generate automat pe orice platformă care acceptă anunțuri.

Dacă te confrunți cu o situație de tarifare care nu este descrisă în aceste politici, respectă principiul conform căruia prețul de listă din Cărți Play nu trebuie să fie mai mare decât prețul echivalent de pe alte platforme.


Google creează previzualizări pe baza conținutului cărților audio în conformitate cu următoarele praguri:

  • previzualizare de un minut pentru conținutul unei cărți audio cu o durată de redare de cel mult zece minute;
  • previzualizare de 30 de minute pentru conținutul unei cărți audio cu o durată de redare de cel puțin 300 de minute;
  • o previzualizare care nu va depăși 10 % din durata de redare a conținutului cărții audio atunci când aceasta este de cel puțin 10 minute și de cel mult 300 de minute.

Sfat: poți permite previzualizări mai lungi în setările contului de editor.



Google will make reports on the sales of auto-narrated audiobooks on Google Play available via our Partner Center. These reports will show sale transaction dates, list price at time of sale, revenue share and ISBN.

Refund Policy

Google will accept refund requests for purchase cancellations that are made within 7 days of sale, although we may also consider requests outside of this period, for example to comply with applicable laws. Google will grant a refund request for a purchase at any time if an auto-narrated audiobook on Google Play does not perform as stated, but the determination of whether an auto-narrated audiobook on Google Play performs as stated will be in Google's sole discretion. Google may also consider factors other than the performance of the auto-narrated audiobook on Google Play, such as whether an error was made during the sale and whether the refund request appears to be abusive. When a refund is granted, the sale transaction will be reversed: the user's access to the auto-narrated audiobook on Google Play will be discontinued, the user's money will be recredited, and your account will be debited. (Users may, in some cases, retain limited access to a refunded auto-narrated audiobook on Google Play if they have already downloaded a copy to a reading device.)

Content Policies

Auto-narrated audiobooks that you sell on Google Play must comply with the applicable Publisher Content Policies for Books on Google Play. For auto-narrated audiobooks containing sexually suggestive content that has no artistic, educational or political purpose (where permitted under local law), you must: i) mark them as mature in your metadata, ii) limit the preview to 0%, and iii) charge a minimum of $1 USD or the local equivalent for these audiobooks.

Buyer Currency

Google may permit you to provide List Prices for your auto-narrated audiobooks on Google Play, and a user to purchase your auto-narrated audiobook on Google Play, in a currency different from that of your designated bank account ("User Currency Purchase Transaction"). For any User Currency Purchase Transaction, you will be paid using Google Payments by wire transfer in US dollars or in the currency of your designated bank account, as determined by Google from time to time, based on an exchange rate that will be applied to the purchase amount (denominated in buyer currency) at the time the transaction is submitted. For example, you may price your auto-narrated audiobooks on Google Play in euros (EUR) for a Belgian user and, if your bank account is located in the United States, Google will pay you in US dollars (USD). The exchange rate will be determined by a financial institution utilized by Google to calculate exchange rates, and may be adjusted based on market conditions without notice. If a User Currency Purchase Transaction is subsequently subject to refund, reversal, chargeback or other adjustment, Google will apply the same exchange rate and currency that applied to the original User Currency Purchase Transaction in calculating the refund, reversal, chargeback or other adjustment. Google reserves the right to impose fees on this currency conversion.

Buyers view prices for auto-narrated audiobooks on Google Play in their local currency, USD, or EUR, at the discretion of the Google Play Store in that country. If you can't provide prices in the purchase currency, you may choose to enable currency conversion in the Payment Center of your account. This will allow Google to automatically convert prices provided by you in a base currency into other currencies. (This feature is not available in all accounts.) If you already publish ebooks on Google Play and have enabled currency conversion for ebooks, it will automatically be enabled for your auto-narrated audiobooks, too. Learn more about currency conversion.

Client Services Agreement

If you are acting as a distributor for auto-narrated audiobooks published by another company, you must enter into a Client Services Agreement with Google. The Client Services Agreement allows you to provide Digital Files and to implement settings for the Partner Program and for Google Play for each publisher you represent. Each publisher will also need to have an agreement directly with Google. Learn how to become a Client Service Provider.

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