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Report inappropriate images or videos posted without your consent

We recognize that the non-consensual sharing of private nude, sexually explicit, or non-explicit intimate and sexual images and videos (e.g. “revenge porn”) is distressing. This form enables you to request that sharing of these images and videos be restricted on Google products, including:

  • Blogger
  • Drive
  • Groups
  • Photos
  • Sites
  • Classroom

Please know that we only restrict sharing of images or videos that meet our requirements. So that we can help you, please make sure that your request meets these requirements:

  • You are identifiable in the imagery or via the context in which it is displayed (for example, your face is visible or your name is mentioned)
  • The imagery is a private nude, sexually explicit, or non-explicit intimate and sexual image or video
  • The imagery was made publicly available without your consent

There are times when we can’t restrict sharing of an image or video. For example, we may not restrict sharing of images or videos that are documentary or have a strong public interest.

Once your request is received, we will review it and take action as necessary. We may also let the person know that there was a request to restrict sharing of the imagery.

To process your removal request, we’ll need contact information and context about the content you’re reporting (including URLs)

* Required field

Contact Information

Are you representing someone else?

If you are submitting a request for someone else, you must have the authority to act on their behalf.

Emails about your request will be sent to this contact

Content Information

Google can only remove content from Google products.

If the content you are reporting is hosted on another site, you may also want to contact the owner of the website(s). Learn how to contact a website owner or request removal of content uploaded to a non-Google social media platform.

Why are you requesting personal content removal from Google hosted products?

Please be specific. For example: https://www.example.com/content/page.html
No files chosen

Confirmation and Submission

If the following statements are true, please check the box below: *

By clicking ‘submit’, you are representing that the above statements are true, that you are requesting the removal of the content identified by the URL(s) you have listed above, and that, if you are acting on behalf of another person, you have the authority to do so.

Google will use the personal information that you supply on this form (including your email address and any identifying information) for the purposes of processing your request and meeting our legal obligations.

Some account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.
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