When you use one of Blogger’s themes, people can view and interact with your blog in different ways.
Choose a theme
- Sign in to Blogger.
- At the top left, click the Down arrow
- Click a blog to update.
- In the left menu, click Theme.
- Select your theme, and at the bottom, click Apply.
- To save a copy of your theme, in the top right, click More
- To save a copy of your theme, in the top right, click More
Use a Dynamic views theme
When you use a Dynamic views theme:
- Blogger records each post displayed as a page view.
- Your readers can change their default view.
To use Dynamic views, share content on other sites.
Customize your theme
Change settings like background & column widths
- Sign in to Blogger.
- At the top left, click the Down arrow
- Click a blog to update.
- In the left menu, click Theme.
- Under “My theme,” click Customize.
- To customize your background image or other settings, use the left menu.
- In the bottom right, click Save
Change font color & size
You can change the font, font color, and font size for your entire blog.
- Sign in to Blogger.
- At the top left, click the Down arrow
- Click a blog to update.
- In the left menu, click Theme.
- Under “My theme,” click Customize.
- In the left menu, click Advanced.
- Choose a format for your text.
- You can choose different fonts, colors, and sizes for different texts in your post.
- In the bottom right, click Save