November 2019

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Transition of Ad Exchange inventory to a unified first-price auction complete

As of September 25:

  • Ad Exchange traffic has transitioned to a first-price auction, where the closing price is determined by the highest net bid in the auction.

  • For a short period of time, a small percentage (3% or less) of traffic will continue to stay on the second-price auction model, in order to monitor performance and ensure minimal disruption to your network.

If you still rely on the Bid Translation Service to bid in the First Price auction, we strongly encourage you to start developing the capability to bid in the First Price auction yourself since we will be deprecating the Bid Translation Service in early 2020.

Ad Exchange Data Transfer fields will not be supported soon

Ad Exchange click metrics, creative conversion events, and view termination events will be removed from Ad Exchange Data Transfer files soon. Additionally, Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deals Ad Manager metrics will no longer be available in Ad Exchange Data Transfer files. For more information, contact your account manager.

User Lists and Change History interfaces are being removed soon

As part of an ongoing effort to simplify the product for Authorized Buyers, the User Lists and Change History interfaces are being removed in December 2019. Learn more

Removing contextual content categories from bid requests

Taking steps to safeguard user privacy, we have decided that beginning in February 2020 we will no longer include contextual content categories in the bid requests we send to buyers participating in our auction. Learn more

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

In June 2018, the California (CA) legislature passed a bill that created the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). CCPA is a new data privacy law that applies to certain businesses that collect the personal information of CA residents. CCPA goes into effect on January 1, 2020. It is expected to become enforceable on July 1, 2020, or six months after the Attorney General of California publishes implementing regulations, whichever comes first. The Authorized Buyers and Open Bidding services will operate as Service Providers by default for queries originating from users in California. Buyers/bidders do not need to make any changes for this behavior to be applied. Learn more

Interface updates

New Pretargeting interface

In an effort to make Pretargeting for Authorized Buyers more intuitive and effective, the new interface has been released. Learn more

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