May 2019

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Preferred Deals now in Ad Manager

Ad Exchange Preferred Deals are being replaced by Preferred Deals in Ad Manager.

Ad Exchange Preferred Deals become read only at the end of October 2018. Support for Ad Exchange Preferred Deals ended at the end of March 2019: All Ad Exchange Preferred Deals have stopped serving.

Learn more about Preferred Deals in Ad Manager.

Publisher inventory transitioning to a unified first-price auction

Authorized Buyers is switching to a single first price auction, which will help reduce complexity and create a fair and transparent market for everyone. Learn more

The transition schedule for Ad Manager can be found here.

UI updates

New Authorized Buyers interface

We are continuing to improve the way Authorized Buyers interact with our platform through the user interface. Going forward, when you sign into Authorized Buyers you will see a different layout to the one you're used to. Navigation is now more intuitive with all the menus and tabs consolidated on the left side of the screen. Only the navigation has changed, not the actual content of each individual page.

Some changes that you will notice:

  • The "Query Tool" has been renamed to "Reporting" and placed within its own menu
  • The "Creative Validator" is not longer supported and has been removed
  • The "Bidding" menu has been renamed to "Troubleshooting"

Usage of “click_link_url” for Native ads

For Native Ads, we recommend using click_link_url instead of click_through_url to set the destination of the ad. For dynamic landing pages, it is required to use click_link_url.

Using the click_link_url will allow us to respect any necessary redirection chains for click-tracking, third-party viewability metrics, etc. If the click_through_url is used for a redirection chain, our verification process may block the redirected domain as we are not expecting redirection chains in the click_through_url. Learn more

RTB updates

Viewability updates

Viewability signal is no longer sent as a rounded decile (closest 10%), and is instead rounded down to the nearest 1%. Learn more

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