Understand VAST video error codes

Standard VAST errors in Reporting

The following is a list of possible VAST video errors displayed in Reporting caused by either Sellers or Buyers. These are standard VAST errors, as defined by the Interactive Ads Bureau (IAB). More information can be found in the  Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) specifications.

Severity levels of video errors

A video player can trigger some errors, but still play the ad. These errors are considered "potentially non-fatal" errors. Other "fatal" errors often cause the video player to stop the request for the failed ad and either request another ad, or resume playback of the video content. Behavior varies by player implementation.

Fatal errors likely stopped the ad request.
Potentially non-fatal errors may have continued to play the ad.

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VAST errors

    100     VAST XML parsing error

Likely cause of a VAST 100 error

This fatal error can be caused when the buyer's response is either malformed or an otherwise invalid XML document, or a redirect VAST URL that fails to resolve successfully.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Verify that the VAST XML is correctly formatted and contains all of the required elements and attributes. You can learn more in the VAST specification from the IAB.
    101     VAST schema validation error

Likely cause of a VAST 101 error

This fatal error can be caused when the buyer's response misses required elements or attributes of the XML or contained unrecognized elements, according to the IAB standard.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Verify that the VAST XML is correctly formatted and contains all of the required elements and attributes. You can learn more in the VAST specification from the IAB.
    102     VAST response version not supported

Likely cause of a VAST 102 error

This fatal error can be caused when a video player does not support the VAST version specified in the bid request.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that only supported VAST versions are sent in a response.
    200    Video player expected different ad type

Likely cause of a VAST 200 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when a video player does not expect or support an ad type requested in a bid request. For example, if a skippable ad is sent when a player is only configured to support linear ads, or if a skip offset is longer than expected. 

Recommended action

  Publisher Check for trafficking errors or alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that only specified ad types are sent in a response, and that skippable linear creatives respect the skip offset attribute.
    201     Video player expected different linearity

Likely cause of a VAST 201 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when the linearity in the buyer's response does not match the video player's request. For example, if a non-linear ad was sent in a response when a linear ad was specified in the request.*

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that the correct linearity is specified in the ad request.
Buyer Ensure that the response only includes linearity specified in the request.

* Authorized Buyers RTB only supports linear ads. 

    202     Video player expected different duration

Likely cause of a 202 VAST error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when the creative returned is a different duration than specified. For example, a creative of duration 30 seconds is returned, but the actual MediaFile duration is 60 seconds.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that the creative duration is set properly in Ad Manager.
Buyer Ensure that the response respects the max duration specified in the request.
    203     Video player expected different size

Likely cause of a VAST 203 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when a buyer's returned MediaFiles are incompatible with the device from which the bid request is sent. It often occurs when high bitrate creatives are returned to mobile devices. 

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that your response includes MediaFiles that are compatible with different technologies and devices, including bitrates.
    300     Wrapper error

Likely cause of a VAST 300 error

This fatal error is a general wrapper error and is not actionable.

    301     VAST redirect timeout reached

Likely cause of a 301 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when a VAST redirect tag does not return a response within the timeout (5 seconds is the default) specified in a wrapper element. It could include request errors, such as an invalid URI, unreachable or request timeout for a URI, security, or other exceptions related to VAST URI requests. It could also be due to a high latency connection (for example, 3G) or simply a slow response from a buyer.

Recommended action

  Publisher Increase the timeout limit of your player via the SDK.
Buyer Ensure that the VAST redirect URI is reachable and no protocol issues exist (for example, responses hosted on HTTP and served to an HTTPS site.
    302     Wrapper limit reached

Likely cause of a 302 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when the wrapper limit defined by the video player is reached. Either too many wrapper responses are received without an inline response, a circular loop of daisy chaining exists (one network bounces to another and another), or too many empty VAST responses from video fallback.

Recommended action

  Publisher Increase the wrapper limit of your player via the SDK.
Buyer Verify that any VAST redirects do not redirect again to another network. When too many redirects are called from a video player before a valid MediaFile is returned, the player might abort the ad request.
    303     Empty VAST response returned

Likely cause of a 303 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when no ads are returned in a VAST response after one or more wrappers. This also includes empty VAST responses from video fallback.

In third-party networks, the fill-rate can be less than 100%. If so, this is an expected error. For example, if the third-party expects to fill 60% of the time, you should expect 40% errors.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that the error rate is in line with the fill-rate of the third-party network. Video fallback may be helpful to avoid the loss impressions.
Buyer Ensure that bids are not returned with an empty VAST response, and that empty responses are not returned by the advertiser or agency that hosts the creative.
    400     General linear error

Likely cause of a 400 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when a video player is unable to display the linear ad. It may occur when the MediaFile is not a valid video file of the specified format, or because the browser restricted autoplay with sound, or another unknown reason.

Recommended action

  Publisher Check for player issues, allow your player detect for restricted autoplay, or alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that the VAST response returns a valid creative.
    401     MediaFile not found

Likely cause of a 401 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when a file cannot be found from a MediaFile URI.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that all MediaFile URIs in the VAST response return a valid video creative.
    402     Unable to download or timeout of MediaFile URI

Likely cause of a 402 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused by a problem fetching or playing the MediaFile, and could be any of the following:

  • The loadVideoTimeout is set too low in the IMA SDK. The default is 8 seconds.
  • Low bandwidth or poor website implementation with competing requests that delay loading of the MediaFile.
  • A video auto-plays in a mobile environment, whereas it should be click-to-play (there are some exceptions).
  • Showing video ads in an auto-play environment (for example, a playlist), while the window is not in focus (either another tab is selected, or window is minimized).*

For players that use the IMA SDK, video fallback may be helpful to avoid losing impressions.

Recommended action

  Publisher Increase the timeout limit of your player via the SDK.
Buyer Ensure that any CDN-hosted creatives are returned within the specified media timeout.

* Only happens in the Chrome web browser. 

    403     VAST response declared unsupported MIME types for all MediaFiles

Likely cause of a 403 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused by a VAST response that declares unsupported MIME types for all available MediaFiles (for example, Flash on mobile, or WebM on iOS). It may indicate that the wrong creative type attempted to play.

This error type is more common on mobile.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that the creative format or technology requested is supported by the video player's device and platform. For example, VPAID creatives should not be requested from mobile apps.
Buyer Ensure that all returned creatives respect the video format in the bid request.
    405     MediaFile display error

Likely cause of a VAST 405 error

This fatal error can be caused when a faulty creative is returned. Creatives can fail due to a mismatch between the MIME type and the video file type, a CORS configuration on the creative’s CDN, or other transcoding-related reasons.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that all creative MIME types and CDN configurations are accurate. 
    406     Missing required mezzanine file

Likely cause of a VAST 406 error

This fatal error can be caused when a VAST response is returned without a required mezzanine file. Publishers with server-side ad implementations often require mezzanine files, which are raw high-quality video files for ad-stitching, or to generate video files of appropriate quality.*

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that a mezzanine file is included in your response when required by the publisher.

* This is a feature of VAST 4

    407     Mezzanine file downloaded for the first time

Likely cause of a 407 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when the mezzanine file is downloaded for the first time, so no ad is served. It can also occur when an ad insertion is missed because the creative is transcoded. It continues to occur until the creative is available for insertion.*

Recommended action

This is expected while the video is transcoded and no action is required.

* This is a feature of VAST 4

    408     Rejected ad in VAST response

Likely cause of a 408 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when the ad returned in the VAST response is rejected.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that only approved creatives are returned in your VAST response, or that any advertisers or agencies that hosts the creatives are aware of rejections.
    409     Creative defined in the InteractiveCreativeFile node did not execute

Likely cause of a 409 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when a creative defined in the InteractiveCreativeFile node does not execute.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that any interactive creatives returned in your response successfully play when requested.
    410     Code referenced in the Verification node did not execute

Likely cause of a VAST 410 error

This fatal error can be caused when the code referenced in the AdVerification node does not execute.*

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that the verification code referenced in the response is correctly implemented according to the verification vendor.

* This is a feature of VAST 4 

    500     General NonLinearAds error

Likely cause of a VAST 500 error

This fatal error can be caused when a video player is unable to display a non-linear ad, for an unknown reason.

Recommended action

  Publisher Check for video player issues or alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that the VAST response returns a valid creative.
    501     Non-linear ad creative dimensions do not align with creative display area

Likely cause of a 501 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused when a non-linear ad is unable to play because the creative dimensions did not align with creative display area (the creative dimension was too large). It may occur if you use CSS styles to set width and height of the video content element.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that the set width and height match the display area. If you set the width and height of the video content element with CSS styles, set them with HTML attributes instead.
Buyer Alert the publisher.
    502     Unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resource

Likely cause of a VAST 502 error

This fatal error can be caused when the buyer's response returns a non-linear ad that fails to return a valid creative.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that valid creatives are returned in the non-linear ad response.
    503     Could not find NonLinear resource with supported type

Likely cause of a VAST 503 error

This fatal error can be caused when the publisher requests a creative size that is larger than the video player size, or an invalid media type.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that requested creative sizes and media types are acceptable for the video player.
Buyer Alert the publisher.
    600     General CompanionAds error

Likely cause of a VAST 600 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when a publisher is unable to display a companion ad, for an unknown reason.

Recommended action

  Publisher Check for ad serving issues, or alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that the VAST response returns a valid creative.
    601     Companion creative dimensions did not align with companion display area

Likely cause of a VAST 601 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when the companion creative dimensions do not fit within the companion display area.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that the requested companion ad size fits within the dimension of the ad unit from which the request is made.
Buyer Alert the publisher.
    602     Unable to display required companion

Likely cause of a VAST 602 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when the publisher is unable to render the companion ad creative returned in the VAST response.

Recommended action

  Publisher Check for ad serving issues, or alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that the VAST response returns a valid creative.
    603     Unable to fetch CompanionAds/Companion resource

Likely cause of a VAST 603 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when the buyer's response returns a companion ad that fails to return a valid creative.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.
Buyer Ensure that valid creatives are returned in the companion ad response.
    604     Could not find Companion resource with supported type

Likely cause of a VAST 604 error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when a publisher requests an unsupported creative type for the companion ad slot.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that specified creative types are supported for the companion ad slot.
Buyer Alert the publisher.
    900     VAST 2 error

Likely cause of a 900 VAST error

This potentially non-fatal error can be caused when any VAST 2 error occurs, even if VAST 3 is requested or your network default is set to VAST 3.

Recommended action

  Publisher Either begin to request VAST 3 or activate VAST 3 for your network. *
Buyer Work with the publisher to troubleshoot the exact issue, or respond with VAST 3.**

  * Reports display an aggregate of 900 errors. This type of 900 error is much more common than a 900 Undefined VAST 3 error.
** RTB Breakout does not report on this type of 900 error, because it is almost always a non-fatal warning.
     For 900 errors reported in RTB Breakout, see 900 Undefined VAST 3 error.

    900     Undefined VAST 3 error

Likely cause of a 900 VAST error

This fatal error is the result of an unknown VAST 3 error, which likely stopped the ad request.

Recommended action

  Publisher Alert the buyer.*
Buyer Work with the publisher to troubleshoot the exact issue.**

  * Reports display an aggregate of 900 errors. This type of 900 error is much less common than a 900 VAST 2 error.
** Of the two types of VAST 900 errors, this is the only type that is reported in RTB Breakout.

    901     General VPAID error

Likely cause of a 901 VAST error

This fatal error can be caused by any VPAID error, which could be any of the following:

  • SSP VPAID wrapper not buying
  • SSP VPAID wrapper timeout
  • VPAID creatives required insecure mode
  • An Authorized Buyers "IMA Adapter" tag is used with the IMA SDK, and a VPAID ad is returned (the "Direct SDK" tag should be used)

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that any VPAID creative requests are supported for devices and players. You can use video creative profiles to control which creatives are eligible to serve.
Buyer Ensure that any VAST responses that return HTML5 VPAID wrappers from IAS/DV/MOAT include an MP4 asset, and that the wrapper is not aborting playback. Also, ensure that you don't bid on impressions without a determined advertiser or buyer, or attempt to initiate a client-side resale.
 1009   The VAST response document is empty

Likely cause of a 1009 VAST error

VAST 1009 errors are reported when there are no video files or tracking events included in a returned VAST response. This error is likely due to either the publisher setup of the ad unit, or a trafficking error with the order or line item.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure there are no errors with the start or end dates in the order or line item, and all targeted key-values are valid. Also, ensure that the correct ad units are targeted, and the size configured in the line item matches the size of the targeted ad units.
Buyer Alert the publisher.

IMA SDK errors

These errors are not part of the VAST specification.

  1005     URL malformed

Likely cause of a 1005 IMA SDK error

This fatal error can occur when either the encoding or decoding of a URL was not successful.

Recommended action

  Publisher Ensure that any special characters in your URL strings are encoded correctly.
Buyer Alert the publisher.


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