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Request a proposal for publisher inventory

Learn the steps in sending a request for proposal (RFP) to a publisher

Using forecasting, Marketplace allows you to find all inventory from Ad Manager publishers matching your desired search criteria, regardless of whether the inventory exists as a packaged product offer, like a Preferred Deal or Private Auction. If you can't find a packaged product offer matching your exact requirements, you have the option to create a request for proposal (RFP) to reach out directly to the publisher.

Data displayed in Marketplace results

Marketplace results automatically display impression volume and uniques that match your search criteria, as determined by forecasting. Impression volumes are based on data from the previous 7 days. Also displayed is the primary category of the publisher content that matches your criteria. Categorization is done by Google.

To request a proposal for available publisher impressions:

  1. Sign in to Authorized Buyers.

  2. Click Marketplace and then Discovery and then click the "Publishers" tab.
  3. Click RFP on the top right of the "Publisher" panel.
  4. Use the RFP form provided to detail your deal type, budget, CPM, impressions per day, start and end dates and targeting. The data to the right of the form displays 7-day impression volumes, uniques and other information powered by forecasting. The data automatically refreshes as you change your desired country and size targeting on the form.

  5. Click Continue.
  6. Enter the buyer's email address and enter a short message if required.
  7. Click Send RFP.

Once the publisher reviews your request, they can respond with a matching product, or requesting more information. Responses to an RFP appear in Marketplace and then Negotiations. 

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