Initiate a proposal for guaranteed inventory

Programmatic guaranteed inventory in the Ad Exchange Marketplace exists as both packaged guaranteed products from publishers, and simply as forecasted guaranteed inventory. You can create a proposal for existing packaged products, or create a request for proposal (RFP) for any other available guaranteed inventory matching your criteria, to reach out to the publisher with your desired requirements.

To view available inventory or packaged programmatic guaranteed products:

  1. Follow the instructions to discover guaranteed inventory to find publishers offering this type of inventory.
  2. Click VIEW INVENTORY for any publisher to view inventory matching your search criteria.

    Click >> to see inventory broken down by user age, geo, inventory sizes, and verticals, as detected by DoubleClick forecasting. Top domains and apps for this inventory are also displayed.

  3. Locate the packaged guaranteed inventory products in the right column of the expanded "VIEW INVENTORY" section.

Create a proposal from an existing guaranteed product

If you're interested in an existing packaged programmatic guaranteed product, you can create a proposal to begin negotiations with the publisher.

To create a proposal:

  1. From the "VIEW INVENTORY" panel, click the product to see more details, followed by CREATE A PROPOSAL.
  2. Enter a name for the proposal and click CREATE AND VIEW.
  3. Detail your budget, inventory requirements, and any additional terms you’d like the publisher to consider.
  4. Click Send.

Once the publisher reviews the proposal, they can continue the negotiation, or request more information. Responses to your proposal appear in the "Negotiate" menu as an in-progress negotiation.

Request a proposal for inventory not in a packaged product

If the available programmatic guaranteed products are not exactly what you're looking for, you can reach out to the publisher with a detailed request for available forecasted impressions, without having to contact them offline.

To request a proposal:

  1. From the "VIEW INVENTORY" panel, click Create RFP.
  2. Use the form provided to detail your budget, inventory requirements, and any additional terms you’d like the publisher to consider. All of the fields in the form are optional, but recommended.

    The data above the form displays 7-day impression volumes, uniques and other DoubleClick forecasting information. The data automatically refreshes as you change your desired country and size targeting in the form.

  3. Click Send.

Once the publisher reviews your request, they can respond with a matching product, or requesting more information. Responses to an RFP appear in the "Negotiate" menu as an in-progress negotiation.

Next: Negotiate, accept, or archive a proposal

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