Understand offer and deal states

Learn the steps involved in negotiating and finalizing deals

Preferred Deals and Private Auctions go through various stages, from new offers and negotiations, to finalized offers and deals that are either active or completed. Authorized Buyers categorizes the various states of your offers, negotiations, and deals in the "Marketplace" tab of your account.

Offers and negotiations

All deals start out as offers and are negotiated between both parties prior to becoming a deal. Offers can be initiated either directly from a publisher to a buyer, or requested from a buyer via the Marketplace.

Provide one of the following to Ad Manager publishers who want to negotiate programmatic deals with you:
  • your Display name (set in Admin, then Account settings, then Marketplace settings) OR
  • your Buyer ID 

Note: Only the Display name or Buyer ID outlined above can be used by Ad Manager publishers to initiate negotiations for programmatic deals.

To view your offers:

  1. Sign in to your Authorized Buyers account at https://realtimebidding.google.com and click Marketplace.
  2. Click Negotiations.

    Offers currently being negotiated are displayed, by default, sorted by the date of the last update. Those requiring your attention appear in bold

  3. Click "Add filter" to filter by Proposal ID, Proposal name, Deal ID, Publisher name, Deal type or Status.

  4. Select "Status" to view:

  • Review requested
  • Seller review requested
  • Acceptance requested
  • Terminated
  • Finalized

Offer and negotiation states

Type Description
Review Requested The seller has made changes to a proposal and sent it back for your review.
Seller Review Requested Proposal has been retracted for further change after you request acceptance from the seller but before the seller has had a chance to accept the proposal. Status lets you know that the seller has a version that could be different from the one you're working with. 
Acceptance Requested A formal offer has been extended to the seller. Once the seller accepts, the proposal is sold and inventory reserved for corresponding line items. The proposal is considered finalized but can be reopened for renegotiation.
Terminated  You or the seller terminated negotiation on a proposal.
Finalized Proposal was accepted by the seller. Inventory is reserved for corresponding line items, and the campaign will deliver per the terms represented in this proposal. To ensure there are no delays in Authorized Buyer serving, make sure proposals are finalized at least four hours before the earliest proposal line item's start time.

Preferred Deals and Private Auctions

Once an offer is accepted, finalized, and has reached the start date, it becomes a deal. Depending on the type of the offer, it is either a Preferred Deal or a Private Auction. To view your deals:

  1. Sign in to Authorized Buyers.
  2. Click Marketplace.
  3. Click Deals.

    All deals are displayed by the date of the last update.

  4. Click "Add filter" to view deals by

  • Deal ID
  • Name
  • Status
  • Publisher
  • Type
  1. Select "Type".
  2. Select one of the following:
  • Preferred Deal
  • Private Auction
  • Guaranteed

Note: We don't send email notification for Preferred Deal offers, because we don't know which buyer emails to send email to. All offers could be found in "incoming offers". 

Preferred deal states

State Description
Active Preferred deals that completed offer finalization and are now active.
Completed Preferred deals that were active, but have reached their end date.

Private auction states

State Description
Active Private auctions that completed offer finalization and are now active.
Completed Private auctions that were active, but have reached their end date.

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