Skippable correction for video

Skippable correction is now a bidder-level setting.

If a bidder activates skippable correction, it applies to all of their child accounts. Similarly, if a bidder deactivates skippable correction, it applies to all of their child accounts.

Skippable correction renders skippable video ads in the state configured by the bidder, and can prevent them from being filtered from the auction by automatically adjusting skippable settings. If activated by the bidder:

  • For inventory requiring non-skippable creatives, such as long-form in-stream video, creatives render as non-skippable, even if the skip event is included in the VAST response.
  • For inventory requiring skippable creatives, such as most mobile video interstitials, creatives render as skippable, even if the skip event is not included in the VAST response.

Skippable rendering based on the bid request

If a bidder activates skippable correction, VAST responses render based on the value of the video_ad_skippable field in the bid request and the duration of the creative, regardless of whether your response includes the skip event.

value in request
event in response
Resulting behavior
REQUIRE_SKIPPABLE Yes Skip button is included
No Skip button is included
BLOCK_SKIPPABLE Yes Skip button is removed
No No skip button
ALLOW_SKIPPABLE Yes Skip button is included if the duration is within the acceptable maximum duration for skippable
No Skip button is included if creative exceeds the maximum duration for non‑skippable

Creatives exceeding the acceptable max duration for skippable and non-skippable inventory continue to be filtered from the auction regardless of any skippable setting.

Include the skip event when you bid on skippable inventory. Skippable event trackers function every time an ad renders as skippable. If the tracker isn't included, the ad may still render as skippable but won't be tracked.

You can learn more about skippable video ads, review the developer documentation or see the applicable skippable fields in the Real-Time Bidding Protocol.

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