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About account levels for Agency seats

In the Agency seat, you can set up three levels of accounts for your organization. The account hierarchy provides a structure that can mirror your business needs and help manage deals and data access.

In addition, DSP seat IDs can be mapped to each account level, consolidating deal management and reporting for appropriate users.

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Overview of account levels

  • Level 1: This is the top-level account. It may represent a large holding company that includes multiple agencies. Level 1 accounts can create level 2 and 3 accounts. For example, a level 1 account can create separate level 2 accounts for its agencies, and add level 3 accounts for competing brands under those agencies. 

  • Level 2: This is a sub-account for agencies that may manage one or more advertisers or brands. Level 2 accounts are nested under level 1 accounts, and they can create level 3 accounts. For example, an agency (level 2 account) can create level 3 accounts for each advertiser it manages.  
  • Level 3: This is a sub-account set up for a specific brand or advertiser managed by an agency. Level 3 accounts must be nested under level 2 accounts. 

In sum, account hierarchy allows for nested account levels for different teams in your organization that integrate with different DSP seats, maintaining a suitable structure for reporting, deals, and other admin workflows. 

Breakdown of account levels

Account levels determine access for reporting, deals, and other data. For a breakdown of each level, review the following content. 

Account hierarchy showing examples for each account level

Level 1 account (top level)

Level 1 accounts can set up level 2 and 3 sub-accounts, and create and view data for those accounts. An example assignee for this account level is a holding company. Level 1 accounts are typically used for unified reporting and creating deals that all sub-accounts can use.

Level 1 accounts can: Level 1 accounts can't:
  • Own multiple seats and deal IDs across DSPs 
  • Create level 2 and 3 sub-accounts for your teams, with custom permissions for invited users
  • Access unified reporting for all Authorized Buyers spend across your DSPs
  • Create a universal deal ID for multi-DSP deals
  • Empower your teams to create their own deals or leverage deals you create
  • Troubleshoot campaigns across your DSP spend mapped to level 1 
  • Have a level 3 account nested directly under them

More about sub-accounts

Sub-accounts are level 2 and 3 accounts. These are separate accounts nested under level 1 or 2 accounts. You can customize the permissions within the sub-accounts based on the needs of your teams. 

Creating a sub-account provides users you invite with their own Agency login. Sub-accounts can view their own data and reporting, but they can’t view data from your main account or other sub-accounts, unless the sub-account is nested under them. They can also create their own deals and leverage the deals you create. 

Using sub-accounts can help you streamline, delegate, and manage your organization’s workflow as follows:

  • Deal creation: Create deals for use by the sub-account (and for a level 2 account, any sub-accounts under it).
  • Tailored access: Grant each team the specific level of access they need and assign specific DSP seats for them to manage.
  • Centralized oversight: View and manage all sub-account activity from your main account.
  • Separated data: Keep each team's data and reporting separate.

Note: If you have a team (such as a brand team) with a DSP seat that’s exclusive to them, they can choose to be a level 2 or level 3 account:

  • If you create a level 2 account for them, they can’t leverage deals struck by the level 2 account they roll into, but they’ll have full access to reporting for deals and Open Auction from mapped DSP seat IDs.   
  • If you create a level 3 account for them, they will have access to level 2 deals, but their reporting will be restricted to deals they’ve struck.

Note that the deals you create will automatically be shared with your sub-accounts.  

View permissions for each account level

Permissions are determined by the level of the account. Review the following table to understand the permissions associated with each account level.

  Permissions Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Sub-accounts Can create sub-accounts Included Included Excluded
DSPs Can connect DSP seat IDs Included Excluded Excluded
Can assign DSP seats to their sub-accounts Included Included n/a
Can have multiple seats per DSP Included Included Excluded
Deals Can create direct deals with publishers Included Included Included
Deals are shared with their sub-accounts Included Included n/a
Can use deals from their parent account(s) n/a Included Included
Reporting Can view reporting for their sub-accounts Included Included n/a
Can view DSP reporting (including deals,
Private Auction, and Open Auction)
Included Included Excluded
Can view reporting on deals they create Included Included Included
Data separation Can view only data for spend in their account Excluded Excluded Included

What data can each account level access?

Access to data, such as reporting and deals, varies by account level. You can determine which users should be assigned to which accounts. To access the data and deals in a level, users and DSP seats must be mapped to the level. A DSP seat can be mapped to one account in an Agency seat.  

This arrangement allows you to isolate deals, reporting, and user access to the DSP seats associated with the account level. 

  • Reporting: Reporting and data (including sub-level data) is shared only within the account that the spend is associated with. Users can report on the level they are mapped to, or any of its sub-levels. Unified reporting remains available for those in level 1 accounts. To ensure spend is mapping correctly, pull reports for impressions and spend, and confirm it aligns with expectations.
  • Deals: Publishers can create a deal with a universal deal ID shared with a specific account in the hierarchy. Deals will only be available to DSP seat IDs mapped to an account (and its sub-accounts). Advertisers can strike deals with publishers without sharing their negotiated rates with other advertisers. For example, you can limit the visibility of deal outcomes to appropriate parties (such as the buyer that struck the deal) in designated account levels. 


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