What is an agency seat

What is an agency seat?

An agency seat provides agencies with a single interface where they can manage spend, strike deals, troubleshoot activity and view reports across multiple Authorized Buyer DSPs and Display & Video 360.

It also provides user-friendly reporting for publishers to discuss how agencies are fulfilling spend commitments, for example.

To use agency seats, agencies need to provide Google with a list of their agency DSP Seat IDs by DSP.

DSPs also need to enable the feature, by accepting an "agency connection" and populating agency DSP Seat IDs in their bid responses.


The RTB Breakout tool allows you to view detailed activity for specific deals, including bid responses that are filtered, and impressions lost due to issues. Learn more about troubleshooting deals with RTB breakout.

Unified reporting

Agencies can view holistic reporting across participating DSPs by common reporting dimensions such as date, publisher ID (the same ID listed in sellers.json and ads.txt), media cost spend, impression activity and bid related metrics. This data is exportable from Authorized Buyers. Reporting is available once an agency account has been created, mappings to DSPs have been set up, and DSPs provide the required information in bid responses, their DSP seat ID.


The Marketplace offers a way for you to discover publishers and inventory quickly and easily. You can search, sort, and filter to find inventory directly matching your campaign goals. Learn more about the Marketplace in Authorized Buyers.

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