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2024 Authorized Buyers releases archive

These release notes are archives provided for your convenience only and might not reflect current product functionality. For the latest releases, see what's new in Authorized Buyers.
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Q4 2024

December 16 First-party IDs for app environments

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First-party IDs for app environments

First-party IDs for Ad Manager app publishers will soon be available to RTB partners. These IDs are set by Google when device IDs are not available and scoped per single app and are unique to individual publishers. For now, first-party IDs will not be sent on traffic in EEA, UK, Swiss, and some US states. Publisher first-party IDs are available in pretargeting settings. Bidders who filter inventory based on IDs must include this identifier in their pretargeting groups to ensure access to relevant inventory.

December 2  No releases

There were no release notes for December 2, 2024.

November 18  No releases

There were no release notes for November 18, 2024.

November 4  No releases

There were no release notes for November 4, 2024.

October 21 Bidder Declarations: Indicate your Signal Preferences & Data Sharing with Publishers

User interface

Bidder Declarations: Indicate your Signal Preferences & Data Sharing with Publishers

Bidder Declarations allows buyers to specify the preferred signals they'd like to receive from publishers and how data collection affects bidding strategies. This information is shared with publishers in Ad Manager, increasing transparency and helping them make informed decisions about data sharing. This is important because publishers must first opt-in buyers to gain access to receiving signals in their Demand Channel Settings. Participating in Bidder Declarations increases the chances of receiving valuable signals by making data preferences clear to publishers. To get started, see the "Bidder preferences displayed to publishers’"section available in RTB Settings.

October 7 No releases

There were no release notes for October 7, 2024.

Q3 2024

September 23 Data Transfer to sunset

Other product or Help Center updates

Data Transfer to sunset

Data Transfer for Authorized Buyers has been sunset on September 6, 2024. Please contact us if you have additional questions.

First-party identifiers for web environments

Ad Manager publishers have started to send first-party identifiers to Authorized Buyers and Open Bidding demand in web environments. For now, first-party identifiers will not be sent on EEA, UK, Swiss, and California traffic. Publisher first-party identifier is available in pretargeting settings. Bidders who filter inventory based on IDs must include this identifier in their pretargeting groups to ensure access to relevant inventory.

September 9 Smart Throttling for QPS Efficiency

Report and Optimize

Smart Throttling for QPS Efficiency

Smart Throttling is a feature to optimize for the best mix of queries to send to a bidder within their QPS thresholds using machine-learning. Smart Throttling will be enabled by default. To opt-out, ensure that you have sufficiency QPS capacity allocated to your endpoint configurations. Learn more about Smart Throttling for Bidders.

Other product or Help Center updates

Google RTB Protocol Deprecation

In addition to continuing to make sure bidders are on track for February, 15 2025 Google RTB Protocol Deprecation, Google RTB protocol has entered maintenance mode and stop receiving non-critical feature updates.

August 26 Increased RTB Timeouts


Increased RTB Timeouts

RTB Timeouts on web traffic have increased from 300ms to 350ms. Please ensure any hard coded limits are updated to reflect the new limit.

August 12 IAB Taxonomy Detected Categories in Creatives API

IAB Taxonomy Detected Categories in Creatives API

We will now communicate the detected categories of a creative using the IAB Content 1.0 taxonomy in the Creatives API, which is the same taxonomy as the bcat field in the OpenRTB bid request, in addition to what we currently communicate in the Google taxonomy.

July 29 Increased RTB Timeouts on mApp

Increased RTB Timeouts on mApp

Google has increased tmax on publisher mApp inventory where longer timeouts may be beneficial to RTB bidders to respond to certain bids in the auction.

As best practice, we recommend buyers reference the tmax (OpenRTB protocol) or response_deadline_ms (Google RTB Protocol) in the bid request object to identify the maximum time in milliseconds to submit a bid to avoid a timeout.

July 15 Data Transfer to sunset

Data Transfer to sunset

Data Transfer for Authorized Buyers will sunset on August 30, 2024. Please contact us if you have additional questions.

July 1 Data Transfer to sunset

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Data Transfer to sunset

Data Transfer for Authorized Buyers will sunset on August 30, 2024. Please contact us if you have additional questions.

Q2 2024

June 17 Updates to Gambling and Games Policy (June 2024)


Updates to Gambling and Games Policy (June 2024)

On July 8, 2024, Google will update its Gambling and Games policy to remove Italy from the list of permitted countries for Social Casino Games. Consequently, advertising of Social Casino Games in Italy will be prohibited effective July 8, 2024.

June 3 No releases

There were no release notes for June 3, 2024.

May 20 No releases

There were no release notes for May 20, 2024.

May 6 No releases

There were no release notes for May 6, 2024.

April 22 No releases

There were no release notes for April 22, 2024.

April 8  Real-time bidding (RTB) update, Google RTB protocol sunset, Publisher Provided ID for RTB, SKOverlay supported across all full screen mApp formats

Report and Optimize

Real-time bidding update

On April 15, 2024, Google will deprecate video_completion_rate and click_through_rate metrics under the BidRequest.Imp.metric field in OpenRTB bid requests along with BidRequest.AdSlot.video_completion_rate and BidRequest.AdSlot.click_through_rate fields in Google RTB bid requests.

Other product or Help Center updates

Google RTB Protocol Sunset

Google will sunset the Google Authorized Buyers protocol on February 15, 2025 to more closely align with the industry. Bidders should migrate to OpenRTB protocol prior to this time. More information will be provided to assist with migration.

Publisher Provided ID for RTB

Publisher Provided Identifiers (PPIDs), now in open beta, allow publishers to send an identifier for frequency capping and interest-based ads personalization across devices. Publishers manage which Authorized Buyers, Open Bidders, and SDK bidders receive PPIDs. Only Authorized Buyers, Open Bidders, and SDK bidders opted-in by a given publisher will receive PPID from that publisher. Publisher Provided ID (PPID) is not available with 3P user ids, such as google_user_id, hosted_match_data, device ids, and is not available in the EEA. See the Developer release notes for proto specs. 

SKOverlay now supported across all full screen mApp formats

We now support SKOverlay across all mApp full-screen formats on iOS.

To determine SKOverlay eligibility, bidders can reference skadn.skoverlay in the bid request. To use this feature, bidders will need to first set a value for skadn.itunesitem in the SKAdNetworkResponse object back to Google. Bidders also need to set the skadn.skoverlay object in the bid response back to Google with the below. 

  • Set delay_seconds (Google protocol) or delay (OpenRTB protocol)
  • Video only: Set endcard_delay_seconds (Google protocol) or endcarddelay (OpenRTB protocol)

Q1 2024

March 25 Updates to Personalization & Tracking on Mobile Devices


Updates to Personalization & Tracking on Mobile Devices

Beginning March 21, 2024, bid requests will no longer disallow ad personalization based on a user not consenting to App Tracking Transparency (ATT) on iOS 14.5+ or deleting their Advertising ID on Android. The below fields should continue to be used to understand a user’s personalization and tracking settings:

  • We will continue to populate the non_personalized_ads_reason field with the appropriate reason for other situations where personalization is not permitted. This field will no longer be set on the basis of a user not consenting to App Tracking Transparency (ATT) on iOS 14.5+ or deleting their Advertising ID on Android.

  • When a user has not consented to ATT on iOS 14.5+ or has deleted their Advertising ID on Android, we will continue to set limit_ad_tracking = true / lmt = 1. For granular ATT status information, continue to refer to the app_tracking_authorization / atts fields.

March 11 Provide Consent for Cookie Matching Requests from EEA+UK

Other product or Help Center updates

Provide Consent for Cookie Matching Requests from EEA+UK

Partner-initiated requests to Google's real-time cookie matching flows from the EEA+UK must provide end-user consent, in accordance with Google's EU User Consent Policy, through one of two mechanisms:

  • A TCFv2 string in the gdpr_consent URL parameter
  • The process_consent=T URL parameter, after gathering affirmative consent

Starting March 6, 2024, requests that are subject to the EU User Consent Policy and fail to provide affirmative consent signals will receive an error response.

Removing Seller Network ID from Google Proto

Seller Network ID was removed from the Google Proto in February 2024. To receive the similar information to identify a publisher, please begin using the publisher ID field (BidRequest.publisher_id). Learn more about the existing publisher ID.

February 26 No releases

There were no release notes for February 26, 2024.

February 12 No releases

There were no release notes for February 12, 2024.

January 29 No releases

There were no release notes for January 29, 2024.

January 15 VAST Error reasons displaying in Creatives UI


VAST Error reasons displaying in Creatives UI

More information is provided within the Creatives UI to troubleshoot error reasons. Learn more about each of these errors and how to resolve them.


Bulk Uploader API

Partners should obtain end-user consent, in accordance with Google's EU User Consent Policy, before adding a user to a user list. Ad tech partners using the Bulk Upload API must indicate that they have gathered the proper legal consent using the process_consent flag.

Starting January 2024, requests without process_consent=true will return a missing consent error but continue to be processed without change. Starting March 2024, requests without process_consent=true will be dropped entirely.

Cookie Matching

Partner-initiated requests to Google's real-time cookie matching flows from the EEA+UK must provide end-user consent, in accordance with Google's EU User Consent Policy, through one of two mechanisms:

  • A TCFv2 string in the gdpr_consent URL parameter
  • The process_consent=T URL parameter, after gathering affirmative consent

Starting March 2024, requests that are subject to the EU User Consent Policy and fail to provide affirmative consent signals will receive an error response.

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