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View and edit real-time bidding (RTB) settings

Modify RTB general settings and view encryption keys

From your Authorized Buyers account, you can access and edit your real-time bidding (RTB) settings in the “Bidder settings" section.

To access or update your RTB settings:

  1. Sign in to Authorized Buyers

  2. Click Bidder settings, and then RTB settings

From here, you can view and turn on/turn off general settings and view price encryption keys:


Use the toggles to turn on/turn off settings such as real-time feedback, bid request compression, and sharing of iOS SKAdNetwork* details. You can also adjust settings for bid flattening, which can be configured by format, deal type, and video duration. 

*See Apple's SKAdNetwork Developer Documentation for more information.

Encryption keys

View and copy your price encryption and integrity keys for winning bid prices. 

 developer documentation To learn more about encryption keys, review developer documentation in the Authorized Buyers RTB Decrypt Price Confirmations protocol.

Note: You can't update your encryption keys after you set up your account.

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