Share secure signals with bidders

For bidders

Publishers can share secure signals in bid requests with the third-party bidders they choose. These secure signals can be created by the publisher or by a bidder or third-party that the publisher chooses to work with. Bidders can use secure signals from the publishers who have explicitly approved them.

Publishers and bidders should work together to agree upon which signals will be shared between them. Publishers control the list of eligible bidders and the information they agree to share, including when a third-party creates the secure signals for them.

The signals must be obfuscated before sending them to Google. Secure signals will only be shared at the publisher’s instruction and only with bidders the publisher has allowed to receive its signals. At no point should information contained in the signals be visible or readable by Google or its platforms.

Publishers can follow the steps outlined in the publisher-focused version of this article to specify their selected bidders.

For users in the EEA, UK, Brazil and South Korea, bidders can choose if they prefer to receive secure signals or matched cookies on the bid request.  If both signals are available, Ad Manager will send the signal based on the bidder’s preference.  Note that this does not apply for traffic outside the EA, UK, Brazil and South Korea, where secure signals are sent together with matched cookies.

Select the secure signals you want to receive

In the Authorized Buyers RTB settings, select the secure signals you want to receive. Secure signals must registered with Google before a publisher can enable them and before you can select them in the Authorized Buyers user interface. To streamline this process, discuss the method of deployment (automatic or manual) with your publisher partners beforehand.

Complete the following steps to select supported signals:

  1. Sign in to your Authorized Buyers account.
  2. Click Bidder settings, then RTB settings.
  3. In the secure signals section, click Supported secure signals.
  4. Update the list of secure signals you want to receive.
    • Select the secure signals you want to add. They will be moved to the "Include" column in the table.
    • Click Remove for any signals you want to remove. They will be removed from the "Include" column.
  5. Click Save.

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