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Get improved answers in Google Assistant with help from Gemini

You can experiment with new, more natural sounding voices and get AI-powered answers from Google Assistant with help from Gemini on eligible Home devices. In this early preview, Google Assistant uses Gemini models to give you smarter and more helpful responses.

Tip: When you get access to this experience, you’ll hear a chime before Google Assistant responds with an AI-powered answer.

What you need

  • Access to AI features in Public Preview. For now, this AI-powered experience is available in Public Preview only to Nest Aware subscribers. Also, you must opt-in to Experimental AI features. Learn how to join Public Preview.
  • An eligible home device, which includes the following:
    • Nest Audio speakers
    • Nest Mini (2nd gen) speakers
  • Voice Match turned on. You’ll need to turn on Voice Match for each device where you want to try out this AI-powered experience. Learn how to turn on Voice Match

Important: For now, the AI-powered experience is only available in English, in the US, and to users 18 and over.

What to know about AI-powered answers

AI-powered answers from Google Assistant are experimental. It’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • Don't rely on these answers as medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice.
  • These answers do not represent Google's views and should not be attributed to Google.
  • Double-check these answers as they may be inaccurate or inappropriate answers about people.

Send feedback about AI-powered answers

Your feedback makes Google Assistant safer and more helpful. Learn how to send feedback or report a problem with Google Assistant.

You can stop a response at any time by saying, “Hey Google, stop,” even if the Assistant is talking.

To report an unsafe or offensive answer, say “Hey Google, unsafe.” When Google Assistant responds, follow the voice prompt to give specific details about what was concerning.

Tip: You can always file feedback by using your voice.

  1. Say "Hey Google, send feedback."
    • Your Google Assistant will ask "Sure, what needs to be improved?"
  2. Say your feedback.
  3. Your feedback will automatically send.

Things to try

In this experimental experience, Google Assistant uses an LLM to respond to a wider range of questions and provide more in-depth, AI-powered answers on general knowledge topics. Learn more about LLMs and generative AI.

For example, you could:

  • Learn more about a topic. You could ask “Can giraffes talk to each other?” to learn about giraffe communication, habitat, and more.
  • Ask follow-up questions. You can always say “Hey Google” to ask follow-up questions.
  • Interrupt Google Assistant’s response at any time. Just say “Hey google” and ask for more information or change your prompt.

Tip: Try new, more natural sounding voices. To change Google Assistant’s voice, open the Google Home app [icon]. Then at the bottom, tap Settings > Google Assistant [icon] > Assistant voice & sounds.

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