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Manage your people with Google Assistant

Assistant helps you share and keep in touch with the people you care about. You can manage:

  • Who to add to your people.
  • How you’re connected.
  • Their contact info.
  • How Assistant should pronounce their name (Android only).

Add someone to your people

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Assistant settings or say “Hey Google, open Assistant settings.”
  2. Tap You and then Your people and then Add person.

Add or edit info about your people 

After you add contacts to your people, you can edit how you’re connected and add info like their birthday, address, and nickname. You can use nicknames to call and send messages to your people.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, say "Hey Google, open Assistant settings."
  2. Tap You and then Your people and then Contact name.
  3. Select how you’re connected, birthday, home address, and nickname.
    • To add a nickname to your contact, you must first turn on Household contacts.
  4. Tap Save.

Teach Assistant how to pronounce a name

Important: This feature is only available in English:

  • In the US, on Android devices version 12.16.1 and up.
  • In the UK, Australia, and India, on Android devices version 13.2.19 and up.

Learn how to check and update your Android version.

Once you've taught Google Assistant how to pronounce a name, Assistant will pronounce the name on your Android devices, speakers, and Smart Displays.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, say "Hey Google, open Assistant settings."
  2. Tap You and then Your people and then Contact name.
  3. Under "Name pronunciation," tap Record your own and then Record .
    • Tip: If you try to record a pronunciation and it doesn't work, to teach your Assistant how to pronounce the name, tap Spell out how it sounds & record. Record the pronunciation again after you confirm how to spell the name out.
  4. To have your Assistant repeat the pronunciation back, tap Play.
  5. If you like the pronunciation, tap Save.

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