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Column data types

Tables supports many different data types that help you configure what data is acceptable and what it should look like.

Here is the current list of supported data types:

NOTE: Formula-type columns are not yet supported, but you can workaround this with our Execute Apps Script bot action. See the linked help center article for templated scripts you can use.

Link to table

Allows you to create a column that lets you lookup or summarize related rows from another table. When creating a “linked column”, you will need to create or select an existing table relationship (learn more).

Lookup columns: similar to a VLOOKUP in spreadsheets, you can link to another table and can select which column from that table to “join” into the current table. You’ll be able to select a row from the other table to link with each row in your current table. Examples: linking students to tutors, or tasks to projects, or products to orders, etc.

Summary columns: you can also create a summary column that can aggregate data on linked rows, such as count the number of students linked to each tutor, or get the latest date for tasks linked to each project.

Learn more about how to use RelationshipsLookup columns, or Summary columns.


Plain old multi-line text. You can add a new line by holding Ctrl/Cmd/Alt+Enter.
Number For only numerical data. Can adjust number formats for integers and decimals.
Date and time

Only accepts valid dates. Can use a calendar date picker for ease.

Supports a variety of date and time formats, based on table locale. Learn more

Person Allows you to select a user from your Google Workspace company domain, formerly known as G Suite (or if for a Gmail account, can select Google users from your contacts). This is represented as a chip that shows the user profile picture and name, and only works for Google users.
Dropdown A predefined dropdown per row, which lets you select only one option. You can set the dropdown menu options and set different colors for each item*.
Tags A predefined list of tags per row, where you can select multiple tags per row. You can set the tag options and assign colors for each item*.
Checkbox A single checkbox. 
Checklist A predefined checklist per row. You can set the checklist options, and sum up how many items have been checked per row.
Drive attachments

Allows you to select one or more files from your Drive to add as rich links in the column.

By default this column type is disabled for Workspace users via Workspace experimental apps control 

File attachments Allows you to drag ’n’ drop or upload files from your computer to create file attachments for each row. These can be anything: pdfs, images, zip files, etc. Images will have a small thumbnail shown in the row, and you can change the setting to allow for multiple attachments.
Location Lat/long geo-coordinates, or autocomplete on a Google Maps address.
Auto ID Creates a special column that automatically increments a number for every new column added. This allows you to generate a simple ID number for your rows, and this ID number is not modifiable.
Row ID Shows the unique ID code for each row in the table. This is particularly useful when used with the Execute Apps Script bot action, so you can do things like update a linked row and do calculations on the data in a row (like advanced formulas).
Creator Creates a special column that shows the user who created this row. This column is not modifiable.
Updater Creates a special column that shows the user who last updated this row. This column is not modifiable.
Update time Shows the date and time of the last column value change for the row. This column is not modifiable, and changes to metadata columns will also update this value.
Create time Shows the date and time when the row was created. This column is not modifiable.
Comment time Shows the date and time since the last comment added to the row, on a new or existing comment thread. This column is not modifiable.


* Note: Dropdown and tag column types can be configured to have up to 100 options. Beyond 100 options, please use the "Link to table > Lookup" column type instead.

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