صفحه‌ای که درخواست کرده‌اید، درحال حاضر به زبان شما در دسترس نیست. می‌توانید با استفاده از قابلیت ترجمه داخلی Google Chrome، فوراً هر صفحه وبی را به زبان موردنظرتان ترجمه نمایید.

Filtering and Sorting list results


The Tables API supports filtering results obtained from the ListRows operation.


/v1alpha1/tables/{table id}/rows?filter=<filter>

Filter syntax

You can use the following parameters with the filter:

Parameter Description Supported Operators
query Search for rows with a cell containing text starting with the provided query. This must be the only parameter in the filter and not conjugated with any other parameter. =
updateTime Filter rows based on the time the row was last updated. >
savedView Filter rows using the view ID of a saved view to fetch them as presented in the view. =
values.<column> Filter rows based on the values of a specific column. The column can be specified using the Column ID or Column name. Described below
  • AND operators and sequences of tokens without operators are accepted and treated in the same manner.
  • Quoted strings are interpreted as a single value rather than a sequence of tokens. This is also true for specifying multi-word column names in queries of type values.”column name”.
  • “query” and “updateTime” filters may not be set more than once.
  • Please refer to https://google.aip.dev/160 for more details.

Filterable fields

You can filter on the following fields using the values.<column> parameter.

Column Type Supported Operators
Text =
Boolean (Checkbox) =
Number <. <=, >, >=, =
Person =, :
Creator/Updater =, :



The Tables API supports sorting results obtained from the ListRows and ListTables operations.


/v1alpha1/tables/{table id}/rows?orderBy=<orderBy>

Sorting Syntax

You can sort the results by various parameters using the following syntax:

Value Description
'' (empty string) Results are sorted in the default order.
'name' or 'name asc' Results are sorted in ascending order by parameter 'name'
'name desc' Results are sorted in descending order by parameter 'name'.


Parameters supported for sorting

Results can be sorted on the following parameters:

Parameter Description
createTime Time of creation of the resource.
updateTime Time the resource was last updated.


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