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 How to use filters

Filtering allows the user to hide irrelevant data based on your defined conditions. You can filter by multiple conditions, and it will hide any data that doesn’t meet those conditions.

For example, you can create a filter to show only "rows where Status is Complete" and then save the view, so you can easily switch to the view to see all completed work.

Filtering on multiple conditions

  • You can only define one filter per column at this time.
  • When filtering on multiple columns, it uses a logical AND, meaning all conditions have to be true for a row to meet the criteria to be shown.
  • When filtering on “Dropdown” or “Tag” or “Person” or "Relationship" type columns, you can select multiple options to match against. The options you select uses a logical OR, meaning if you selected “Option A” and “Option B” in the filter for a Dropdown column, then all rows with either "Option A" or "Option B" will show up.

Dynamic filters

Dynamic filters allow you to filter your rows based on special dynamic values that depend on the current user. Dynamic filters work for views as well as bot conditions.

For example, you can create a filter to show "rows where Assignee is the Current User" and save this as a view. This view will now only show rows where the Assignee column has the current logged-in user selected. If someone else opens the table with that view, they will see a different set of rows that are only assigned to them.

Dynamic filters are only supported by one column type at this time:



Current user
Shown as an option when selecting the list of users to compare with. This option represents the current logged-in user, and is best used to determine what rows are directly relevant to the current user.

Example use cases

  • Create a view called "Assigned to me" that can show a person all the rows assigned to them.
  • Create a bot that sends an email notification if the user changed a row they aren't supposed to.
  • Prevent a bot from sending email notifications if the person who updated a row IS the person assigned to it.

Relative filters

Relative filters allow you to filter your rows by comparing with a relative value in another column, or comparing with a relative date from today.  Relative filters work for views as well as bot conditions.

For example, you can create a filter to show “rows where ETA is past the Deadline” or setup a bot with conditions that “send a warning if InStockCount is less than WarningThreshold.”

Relative filters are supported by the following column types:



  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Does not start with
  • Is greater than
  • Is less than
  • Is in between
  • Is not between
  • Is after
  • Is before
  • Is between
  • Is not in between
  • Is today
  • Is in the next x days
  • Is in the past x days
  • Is further than x days 
  • Is older than x days
  • Is exactly x days

Example use cases

  • Create a bot to send an email notification if the "Start Date" column is after the "Deadline" date column.
  • Create a bot to send an email reminder if the number of "In Stock" items is less than the "Restock Threshold" number.
  • Create a view to show where the "Arrival City Name" column matches the "Departure City Name" column.

How to create a relative filter

  1. Click on the Filter toolbar button to show the filter bar.
  2. Click on the "Add filter" chip in the filter menu.
  3. Select the column you want to filter on.
  4. When selecting the filter logic, select "Compared to another column" or "Relative to today" to show relative filter options.
  5. Select the desired relative filter option, configure the relative column or date to compare to, and save.


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