Using variables & bot email templates

When using Bots, you can set bot actions that let you send customizable templated emails to others, or you can update values in rows or add rows to a table. When defining the email contents or the values to update, you can pull in information from the table rows by using variables.

Column variables

You can pull in data from your table row by referencing column names in your email template. You can co this by surrounding the column name with double curly braces

{{Column Name}}

You can combine regular email text with the referenced column names naturally: 

Hello {{Name}}! Welcome to Tables. :)

Important notes:

  • You must make sure the column name is an exact match.
  • There is no limit to how many times or how many columns you can pull into your email template.

Using the name in Person columns

When referencing Person-type columns, by default, bots will output the email addresses. 

If you want to show the names of the people in the column, you can prefix the column name with an "@" sign like so:

Hello {{@Assignee}}! Your email is {{Assignee}}, and your name is {{@Assignee}}.

Note: names are only available if the table owner is able to see the person's name. This depends on the person's account info settings, and whether they have been in contact or shared any information with the table owner before.

Previous vs new column values

You can also reference the previous column values for the row before the latest change. For example, if a row had the “Status” column changed from “Not Started” to “In Progress”, then you can reference the previous value by adding a tilde (~) before the column name:

Task Status: {{Status}}     // This will show “Task Status: In Progress”

Task Status: {{~Status}}  // This will show “Task Status: Not Started” 

Metadata variables

In addition, there are some advanced metadata variables you can pull into the email template, which use double square brackets to reference them:

[[table_name]]    // This will add the name of the table.

[[table_id]]      // This will add the unique internal table ID string.

[[record_id]]     // This will add the unique internal record ID string.

[[record_url]]    // This will add a URL to the current table record.

[[creator_name]]  // This will add the name of the user who created the record.

[[creator_email]] // This will add the email of the user who created the record.

[[create_date]]   // This will add the date the record was created.

[[create_time]]   // This will add the date and time the record was created.

[[updater_name]]  // This will add the name of the user who updated the record.

[[updater_email]] // This will add the email of the user who updated the record.

[[update_date]]   //  This will add the date the record was updated.

[[update_time]]   //  This will add the date and time the record was updated.

[[comment_date]]  //  This will add the date of the last comment on the record.

[[comment_time]]  //  This will add the date and time of the last comment.

[[comment_text]]  //  This will add the text contents of the last comment. 


Example use cases

Email notification for recruitment process hand-off to interview scheduling:


New {{Job Role}} candidate assigned to you!


Hi {{Name}},


You have been assigned a candidate, {{Candidate Name}}, for interview scheduling in {{Candidate City}}, please see their record at:



The recruiter is {{Recruiter}}, please send them an email if you have any questions.


Email notification for data changes:


New P0 blocker!


Title: {{Task Title}}

Date: [[update_date]]

Priority: {{~Priority}} → {{Priority}}


Item has been marked as a P0 blocker by [[updater_name]], with an ETA of {{Target Date}}, please email [[updater_email]] for further clarification if needed.


Link to task: [[record_url]]

Link to tracker: [[table_url]]

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