Can I have my app update automatically?

The AppSheet editor performs automatic updates by default. Changes made by the user are automatically sent as they occur. Changes made by other users are retrieved by the editor every 30 minutes. 

See also: Automatic updates

You can disable automatic updates and enable delayed sync to sync the app only when the user clicks Sync. 

To disable automatic updates and enable delayed sync:

  1.  Open the app in the app editor.
  2. Select Settings > Performance.
  3. Under Sync: App to Cloud:
    • Enable Delayed sync.
    • Disable Automatic updates.
  4. When you are done, save the app by selecting one of the following:
    • Save - Save the app.
    • Save & verify data - Save the app and verify that it is runnable based on external dependencies.
We've made some improvements to the app editor.
You are opted in to the new editor by default, but you can switch back to the legacy editor at any time.

If you are using the legacy navigation

 To disable automatic updates and enable delayed sync:

  1. Open the app in the app editor.
  2. Select Behavior > Offline/Sync.
  3. Under Sync: App to Cloud:
    • Enable Delayed sync.
    • Disable Automatic updates.
  4. When you are done, save the app by selecting one of the following:
    • Save - Save the app.
    • Save & verify data - Save the app and verify that it is runnable based on external dependencies.

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