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Conditional expressions

Behavior depends on a set of conditions

When using expressions, some values depend on other values conditionally. Here are some examples of conditional statements:

  1. If you oversleep, then you're late to work.
  2. If you drink a lot of water, then you're hydrated, but if you don't, you're dehydrated.

In expressions, you can approach these conditional situations in a few ways:

  • IF(condition, then-expression, else-expression)to choose one of the results based on whether the condition evaluates to TRUE or FALSE.
  • IFS(condition1, then-expression1, condition2, then-expression2, ...) to provide a sequence of condition-value pairs that are evaluated left-to-right until one of the conditions is true.
  • SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, value2, result2, ..., default_result) to choose one of the results based on the value of the expression.

Expressions may be used in various AppSheet features--app formulasinitial values, virtual columns and column constraints (Editable_If,  Required_If, Show_If, or Valid_If)--to customize app behavior and provide your users with advanced functionality.

New to expressions? See also Expressions: The Essentials.


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