आपने जिस पेज का अनुरोध किया है वह फ़िलहाल आपकी भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है. पेज के निचले हिस्से से कोई दूसरी भाषा चुनी जा सकती है. इसके अलावा, किसी भी वेबपेज का अपनी पसंदीदा भाषा में झटपट अनुवाद भी किया जा सकता है. इसके लिए, आपको Google Chrome की पहले से मौजूद अनुवाद करने की सुविधा का इस्तेमाल करना होगा.

Math expressions

Calculate numeric values from other numeric values

The following sections describe the components for building Math expressions:

New to expressions? See also Expressions: The Essentials.

Math operators

The common numeric operators below may be used in math expressions.


The plus character (+) between two numeric values produces the result of adding them together. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • 2 + 2
  • [Count] + 1
  • [Price] + [Tax] 


The slash character (/) between two numeric values produces the result of dividing the left value by the right value. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • 4 / 2
  • ([Day Count] / 7.0) 
  • [Total] / [Unit Count] 


The asterisk character (*) between two numeric values produces the result of multiplying them together. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • (10.0 * 10)

  • [Week Count] * 7

  • [Unit Cost] * [Unit Price] 


The minus character (-) preceding a single numeric value produces the arithmetic negation of the value: a positive value becomes negative, a negative value becomes positive. The type of the result will match that of the original value.


  • -18.56
  • -[Unit Count]
  • -([Seat Count] * [Gift Value])


The minus character (-) between two numeric values produces the result of subtracting the right value from the left value. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • 124.0 - 18.9
  • (14.0 - [Vacation Days Used])
  • [Price] - [Discount]


Math functions

The following Math functions can be used in math expressions within your app:

Numeric types

AppSheet understands two basic numeric data types:

Decimal: numbers that include a decimal point separating a whole number component from a fractional component. For example: -0.03, 0.0, 3.14159, 14.99. Also known as a real number or floating-point number. The number of digits displayed after the decimal point (2 by default) can be changed in a Decimal column's configuration. The display format is also affected by the app user's locale. See also: DECIMAL()

Number: numbers that do not include a decimal point. For example: -29, -5, 0, 732, 4096. Also known as integers or whole numbers. See also: NUMBER()

Several other data types are based on the above:

Percent is a Decimal with special display characteristics. For example, a Percent value of 0.0 is displayed as 0%; 0.05 is displayed as 5%; 0.2 as 20%; and 1.0 as 100%.

Price is a Decimal with special display characteristics. For example, a Price value of 0.0 is displayed as $0.00; 5.2 is displayed as $5.20; 67.482 as $67.48; and 100.0 as $100.00. The currency symbol ($ by default) can be changed in a Price column's configuration.

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