Math expressions

Calculate numeric values from other numeric values

The following sections describe the components for building Math expressions:

New to expressions? See also Expressions: The Essentials.

Math operators

The common numeric operators below may be used in math expressions.


The plus character (+) between two numeric values produces the result of adding them together. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • 2 + 2
  • [Count] + 1
  • [Price] + [Tax] 


The slash character (/) between two numeric values produces the result of dividing the left value by the right value. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • 4 / 2
  • ([Day Count] / 7.0) 
  • [Total] / [Unit Count] 


The asterisk character (*) between two numeric values produces the result of multiplying them together. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • (10.0 * 10)

  • [Week Count] * 7

  • [Unit Cost] * [Unit Price] 


The minus character (-) preceding a single numeric value produces the arithmetic negation of the value: a positive value becomes negative, a negative value becomes positive. The type of the result will match that of the original value.


  • -18.56
  • -[Unit Count]
  • -([Seat Count] * [Gift Value])


The minus character (-) between two numeric values produces the result of subtracting the right value from the left value. If both values are of the Number type, the result will be a Number; otherwise the result will be Decimal.


  • 124.0 - 18.9
  • (14.0 - [Vacation Days Used])
  • [Price] - [Discount]


Math functions

The following Math functions can be used in math expressions within your app:

Numeric types

AppSheet understands two basic numeric data types:

Decimal: numbers that include a decimal point separating a whole number component from a fractional component. For example: -0.03, 0.0, 3.14159, 14.99. Also known as a real number or floating-point number. The number of digits displayed after the decimal point (2 by default) can be changed in a Decimal column's configuration. The display format is also affected by the app user's locale. See also: DECIMAL()

Number: numbers that do not include a decimal point. For example: -29, -5, 0, 732, 4096. Also known as integers or whole numbers. See also: NUMBER()

Several other data types are based on the above:

Percent is a Decimal with special display characteristics. For example, a Percent value of 0.0 is displayed as 0%; 0.05 is displayed as 5%; 0.2 as 20%; and 1.0 as 100%.

Price is a Decimal with special display characteristics. For example, a Price value of 0.0 is displayed as $0.00; 5.2 is displayed as $5.20; 67.482 as $67.48; and 100.0 as $100.00. The currency symbol ($ by default) can be changed in a Price column's configuration.

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