Constructed deep link to form

Returns a deep link (App value) to a form to create a new record in an app (the current app, if not specified) with at least one column preset to a value.

To edit an existing record, see LINKTOROW().

Sample usage

LINKTOFORM("Order Details_Form", "Order ID", [_THISROW]) creates a deep link to an Order Details_Form with the Order ID column preset with a reference back to the current row (making the new Order Details row a child of the current row).

LINKTOFORM("Orders_Form", "Customer ID", [_THISROW], "Delivery Address", [Customer Address]) creates a deep link to an Orders_Form, with the Customer ID column preset with a reference back to the current row, and Delivery Address preset with a copy of the customer's address.


LINKTOFORM(view, column, value, [column, value...], [app-name])

  • view - An expression that returns the name of the target view. The view named must be of type form.
  • column - An expression that returns the name of a column of the target table. 
  • value - An expression that returns a value for the column named by the immediate-preceding column argument. 
  • app-name - An optional expression that returns the name of the app containing the target form. Defaults to the current app.

    The app name is defined by the appName query parameter in the app URL when viewing the app in the editor or accessing the app in your desktop browser. (It is not equivalent to the Short Name of the app defined in Settings.) For example, in the following app URL the app name is ShiftManagement-3518598:


AppSheet does not validate view, column, or app-name. If invalid (such as, misspelled or otherwise referring to a non-existent app), no error will be displayed.

Each of columnvalue, and app-name may be of any type, are interpreted as Text values, and will be encoded (as with ENCODEURL()) for use in the deep link.

See also

App column type (deep link)






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