Use your phone as the remote for your Android TV

You can use the Google TV app on your phone or tablet to navigate your Android TV.

Set up your virtual remote

  1. On your Android phone, open the Google TV app .
  2. Near the bottom right, tap Connect TV .
  3. Select the device you want to connect to.
  4. Enter the code that displays on your TV screen.
  5. Tap Pair.

If you have trouble setting up the app

Check your Wi-Fi connection

To connect through Wi-Fi, make sure your device is on the same network as your Android TV.

To check or change the connection on your TV:

  1. On your remote, press Home.
  2. At the top right, select Settings Settings.
  3. Under “Network & Accessories,” select Network and thenAdvanced and thenNetwork status.
  4. Find the Wi-Fi network name, listed next to “Network (SSID).” Make sure it’s the same as the network on your device.
To check or change the connection on your phone:
  1. On your phone, open the Settings app.
  2. To find your network or choose a different network, tap Network & internet and then Wi-Fi.
Restart your Android TV
  1. Unplug the power cord.
  2. Wait 10 seconds.
  3. Plug the power cord back in.
  4. Set up the virtual remote again.
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