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Feb 17, 2020

Ok/Hey google not working (again) on android auto

Hello eveyone, I have had this well-known and reported issue for a couple of days now and didn't find any solution, that's why I need to post a new question. I have a Samsung S10e and I have installed an aftermarket android auto interface in my Mercedes W205 a week ago and it used to work just fine. A couple of days ago my phone updated, but no new feature was added, it was just a security update, so maybe it's not related. Anyway, since then, when I try to speak to the google assistant with "Ok Google" or "Hey Google" it doesn't even bother listening to me. It works when android auto is disconnected.
If I manually press the microphone button on the car, it starts listening, but it won't do some of the usual stuff, for example something I noticed is that it won't answer whatsapp messages: it lets me say who I want to message and what I want to write, but when it asks if I want to send the message or not, it replies (using the female synth voice) saying that the internet connection is not reliable at the moment (of course internet works just fine from the phone). Another thing it won't do is play next/previous track. It will navigate though, but as I said, only if I press the mic button manually.

Of course, I already tried more than once and retrained the assistent to my voice, disabled and re-enabled the feature, rebooted the phone, updated everything, erasing cache of google and AA apps.

Another thing (I don't know if it is related): I don't have calendar, weather, news and other google apps (I don't remember now all of them, but I'm sure you get the point) on my car. If I erase the AA app cache, they appear in the "Personalize my apps" menu of the AA app and I can select them, but as soon as I connect the phone to the car they don't appear anymore neither in said menu nor on the car screen. I don't care much, but I don't know if this issue could be related.

I want to specify once again that, as soon as I started using my AA interface, the Assistent used to work just fine, the problem appeared for the first time a couple of days ago, so it's not the interface not working, although it's an aftermarket solution.

Please help me find a solution
Thanks in advance for your time
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Last edited Feb 17, 2020
Recommended Answer
Feb 17, 2020
I have the same issue. Using Galaxy S10 after the last February 2020 security update Ok google/hey Google doesn't work when connected with Android Auto
Original Poster Vincenzo Napolitano marked this as an answer
All Replies (72)
Recommended Answer
Feb 17, 2020
I have the same issue. Using Galaxy S10 after the last February 2020 security update Ok google/hey Google doesn't work when connected with Android Auto
Original Poster Vincenzo Napolitano marked this as an answer
Mar 28, 2020
Same issue. "Ok Google" voice activation does not work in Android Auto on my 2018 Yukon. Samsung Galaxy S9+
Mar 28, 2020
Same issue with s9. Just spent an hour in my driveway trying to figure it out.  Ugh.
Mar 29, 2020
Same issue as everyone else.
Not working since last upgrade.
It would be nice if they fixed this or better yet not force an upgrade on us if they dont atleast have everything else that was working working on it.

Since last upgrade theres no video on my chromecast either. Just sound.
Mar 29, 2020
Same issue, I did try to tap the microphone to send a text. And it seems to work fine until I command it to send and then it says this internet connection it's not very good or something like that. But when I look at my phone I have 5 bars of 4 g. And I'm able to send a text using only my phone with no issues.
Mar 30, 2020
Same issue here too. Can't use 'hey Google' while using android auto and get the "the internet signal is not strong enough" message when trying to send a text. 
Started after latest samsung update. I tried everything I know. Made sure all apps where updated, uninstalled and reinstalled android auto, looked for Pioneer stereo update, rebooted phone. I give up for now until I hear of a know solution.
Mar 31, 2020
Same issue here since early February still not fix I'm on the LG G7.
Apr 1, 2020
Galaxy s9+ with the same issue.
Apr 2, 2020
Same issue.  Galaxy S9.  I guess no more hands free?
Apr 2, 2020
I just started having this, and other problems using AA on phone and in the car. I have Android 8.0 on my phone, and have not had any system updates in a very, very long time. This problem just started a day or two ago. If I push the talk button, OR say Hey Google to AA on the phone, or in my car, Google tells me to "Tap the notification to activate Google Assistant" (There are no notifications to tap.) also, just starting yesterday, AA will not play the Overdrive app in my car. (I have played that app every day for almost 2 years, with no problems.)
Last edited Apr 2, 2020
Apr 2, 2020
I am having the same problem with my AA as well with my Galaxy S8.  Does anyone have a solution to fix this?  Because of this problem I can get Waze to pull up my directions on my AA in my car.
Apr 2, 2020
Google are foolish to ignore this, people rely on this aspectual element of Android Auto. I would say to the chief exec of Google if you spent more time with customers feedback instead of trying to jump from space you might get somewhere! I have S9+ same issue as others on VW Infotainment system on 16 Golf (MIB High).
Latest update released a day ago has done nothing to fix the issue....
We need support and expect it! Typical Corporate industry giants who are in their ivory towers...they never look down!
Apr 2, 2020
Same issue  Ok/Hey google still does not work even with this update in a 2020 jeep grand cherokee.  Hasnt  worked since last android update.
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