Get started with messages & calls

You can send messages and start calls and video calls on your new Android device.


  • If you don’t have Messages by Google installed, you can get it from Google Play.
  • You need an active SIM or phone number.

Send a message or start a group chat


Send a message
  1. On your Android device, open Messages Messages Logo Round.
  2. Tap Start chat.
  3. In "To," enter the name, phone number, or email address you want to message.
    • You can also pick from your top contacts or your whole contact list.
Start a group chat
  1. On your Android device, open Messages Messages Logo Round.
  2. Tap Start chat.
  3. To make a group chat, in “To,” enter multiple names, phone numbers, or email addresses you want to message.

Tip: When you switch from iOS to an Android device, you may need to make new group chats.

Start a call or group call

Start a phone call
  1. Open your phone's Phone app .
  2. Select who to call:
    • To enter a number: Tap Dialpad .
    • To select a saved contact: Tap Contacts .
      • You may find suggested contacts to call based on your call history.
    • To select from the contacts you’ve recently called: Tap Recents .
    • To select from the contacts saved to “Favorites:” Tap Favorites .
  3. Tap Call .
Start a group call
  1. Open your phone’s Phone app .
  2. Select who to call:
    • To enter a number: Tap Dialpad .
    • To select a saved contact: Tap Contacts .
      • You may find suggested contacts to call based on your call history.
    • To select from the contacts you’ve recently called: Tap Recents .
    • To select from the contacts saved to “Favorites:” Tap Favorites .
  3. Tap Call .
  4. While connected to the first call, tap Add call .
  5. Enter a phone number.
  6. Tap Call .
    • If you need to add more people in the call, repeat Steps 4 to 6.

Start a video call

There are multiple ways to start a video call.

Start a video call in Google Meet
  1. Open the Meet app .
  2. At the bottom right, tap New .
  3. Select an option:
    • Start a video call:
      1. Select one of your contacts.
      2. Tap Call.
    • Create a group video call:
      1. Tap Create group.
      2. Select multiple contacts.
      3. Tap Done and then .
      4. Tap Start.
Start a video call in Messages
  1. Open the Messages app Messages Logo Round.
  2. Go to an existing conversation with the contact you want to video call.
  3. Tap Video call .
Start a video call in the Phone app
  1. Open the Phone app .
  2. From your contacts, select the contact you want to video call.
  3. On the left, tap Video call .

Tip: If you use Samsung’s version of the Phone app on your Samsung phone:

  1. Select the contact you want to video call.
  2. In the contact detail screen, on the right, select Google Meet .

Get FaceTime calls on Chrome browser

With the release of iOS 15, you can answer FaceTime calls from iOS devices on Chrome browsers. Learn how to receive FaceTime calls on your Android phone.

  1. On your Android device, tap the link provided by the host iOS device.
  2. Enter your name.
  3. Tap Join.
    • The host has to let you into the call.

Tip: Outgoing FaceTime calls can’t be made in Chrome browser, it can only receive incoming calls.

Send & get messages on your computer browser

Important: To send and get messages from Google Messages on your PC or Mac, you need an internet connection.Learn more about how to check your messages on your computer or Android tablet.

  1. On your computer, open
  2. At the top right, select Messages for web.
    • You’re prompted with a QR code. Keep this page open.
  3. On your Android device, open Messages Messages Logo Round.
  4. Tap your profile picture or initial and then Device pairing and then QR code scanner.
  5. With the Messages app open, scan the QR code on your computer’s web page.
    • Your messages are now synced and displayed on your computer.

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