[GA4] Error messages

During the creation of data streams, Analytics makes calls to Google Cloud, Firebase, and the Analytics config store. In cases where there are problems with those calls, you may see the following error messages.

Google Cloud

Error type Error message Reason
Operation timeout During creation of the data stream, the related Google Cloud project was only partially configured. Try again to create the data stream. The operation to create the Google Cloud project timed out before the project was fully configured.
Permissions You don’t have the necessary Google Cloud permissions to create a project. Contact your Google Cloud project owner. You don't have the necessary Google Cloud permissions to create a project.
Project already exists Failed to create a new Google Cloud project because there is an existing project with the same ID. Try again. Analytics calls Firebase first to suggest a project ID based on the project name. Then we call Google Cloud to create a project with that suggested project ID.

In rare cases, Analytics suggests a project ID that's already in use.



Error type Error message Reason
Operation timeout During creation of the data stream, the related Firebase project was only partially configured. Try again to create the data stream. The operation to create the Firebase project timed out before the project was fully configured.
Operation timeout The operation timed out before Analytics could verify creation of app stream. Refresh page. The operation timed out before Analytics was able to verify creation of the app stream.
Permissions You don't have the necessary Firebase permissions to create a project. Contact your Firebase project owner. You don't have the necessary Firebase permissions to create a project.
General Unable to create your app stream at this time. Try again. Analytics was unable to create the app stream.


Analytics config store

Error type Error message Reason
General Unable to create your app stream at this time. Please try again. Analytics was unable to create the app stream.
General The Firebase project was created and configured, but app-stream creation failed. Try again to create the app stream. Analytics was unable to create the app stream.


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